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To Go Quotes

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The beginning dictates the direction and you never know where you're going to go... The mood is what you're looking for, and somehow we always find it  (To Go Quotes) The atheist staring from his attic window is often nearer to God than the believer caught up in his own false image of God  (To Go Quotes) The first thing my family did when we moved was join the local church. The second was to go to the library and get library cards  (To Go Quotes) Though I hate him from my heart, and should rejoice at any calamity that could befall him, I'll leave him to God; and though I abhor my own life, I'll leave that, too, to Him that gave it  (To Go Quotes) It is the peculiar nature of the world to go on spinning no matter what sort of heartbreak is happening  (To Go Quotes) I know you've run away - everybody gets the urge to do that some time - but sooner or later you'll want to go home  (To Go Quotes) I realize what a strange in-between place I am in. The young woman inside has turned to go, but the old woman has not shown up  (To Go Quotes) And her mother had been a great beauty who cared only to go to parties and amuse herself with gay parties  (To Go Quotes) Prayer opens the heart to God, and it is the means by which the soul, though empty, is filled by God  (To Go Quotes) I don't expect to go hungry if I decide to leave the University. Resume: Linux looks pretty good in many places  (To Go Quotes) The traveler used to go about the world to encounter the natives. A function of travel agencies now is to prevent this encounter  (To Go Quotes) Perhaps a day might come when there would be at last be enough to go round, and when posterity could enter into the enjoyment of our labors  (To Go Quotes) The current use of the National Guard is wrong... These are men who did not sign up to go occupy foreign nations  (To Go Quotes) You don't have to go to college to be a success... We need the people who run the offices, the people who do the hard physical work of our society  (To Go Quotes) I count my blessings for the fact I don't have to go into that pit that John Major stands in, nose to nose with the opposition, all yelling at each other  (To Go Quotes) All the effort went into getting there and then I had nothing left. I thought I'd got somewhere, then I found I had to go on  (To Go Quotes) We are all born like Catholics, aren't we - in limbo, without religion, until some figure introduces us to God?  (To Go Quotes) Think not thy love to God merits God's love to thee; his acceptance of thy duty crowns His own gifts in thee; man's love to God is nothing but a faint reflection of God's love to man  (To Go Quotes) The lower you are, the higher your mind will want to soar. It was natural that, bereft and desperate as I was, in the throes of unremitting suffering. I should turn to God  (To Go Quotes) I am miracle ingredient Z-247. I'm immense. I'm a real, slam-bang, honest-to-goodness, three-fisted humdinger. I'm a bona fide supraman  (To Go Quotes) Mix an anorexic body with a heart made of pure fire and you are going to go with a savagery that's hard to explain  (To Go Quotes) All that will matter forever and ever in our heavenly state is the glory that came to God through our lives  (To Go Quotes) The only road to good shows is bad ones. Just go start having a bad time, and if you don't give up, you will get better  (To Go Quotes) The problem is that the right doesn't need any ideas to govern, but the left can't govern without ideas  (To Go Quotes) A close family member once offered his opinion that I exhibit the phone manners of a goat, then promptly withdrew the charge - out of fairness to goats  (To Go Quotes) I burned out on AIDS and did no AIDS work for a couple of years. I was so angry that people were still getting this disease that nobody can give you - you have to go out and get it!  (To Go Quotes) I wanted to live the life, a different life. I didn't want to go to the same place every day and see the same people and do the same job. I wanted interesting challenges  (To Go Quotes) No one who has passed through the storm has ever regretted the journey. No one stands here and wishes to go back to the other side  (To Go Quotes) But it's a journey and the sad thing is you only learn from experience, so as much as someone can tell you things, you have to go out there and make your own mistakes in order to learn  (To Go Quotes) Does it not stir up our hearts, to go forth and help them, does it not make us long to leave our luxury, our exceeding abundant light, and go to them that sit in darkness?  (To Go Quotes)
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