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The thing with film and theater is that you always know the story so you can play certain cues in each scene with the knowledge that you know where the story’s going to end and how it’s going to go. But on television nobody knows what’s going to happen, even the writers  (To Go Quotes) I have no dress except the one I wear every day. If you are going to be kind enough to give me one, please let it be practical and dark so that I can put it on afterwards to go to the laboratory  (To Go Quotes) I try to go to the gym three times a week. And I have to watch what I eat. I’m a normal person  (To Go Quotes) Because I don’t think it’s very healthy to hold people to idealized views. I think that’s a certain stage in life, something kids do. You have to go through that idealistic phase with your parents, but at a certain point, you need to see people as just people  (To Go Quotes) Eventually stardom is going to go away from me. It goes away from everybody and all you have in the end is to be able to look back and like the choices you made  (To Go Quotes) I knew I wanted to be an actor when I was growing up, really. So when I decided to go to university instead of drama school, it was with the intention of becoming an actor afterwards  (To Go Quotes) I think becoming an actor because it’s a ridiculously insecure profession to go into. I feel very comfortable but very lucky. I think any time that you imagine that it’s plain sailing for hereon in, then you’re kidding yourself  (To Go Quotes) A friend of mine, that I had known for some time, came up one day with an old guitar. I don’t know where he got it, I don’t know how long he’d had it, but he knew about two chords on it. He proceeded to teach them to me, and then we proceeded to go crazy over music  (To Go Quotes) I think I definitely enjoy recording, but I think it’s more fun to go out and perform live, because it’s like instant gratification, you know? You feel the response immediately  (To Go Quotes) I like pubs too, but it’s hard for me to go and get proper bladdered in the way I used to. I don’t want to moan about being recognised but I do get a bit of grief sometimes  (To Go Quotes) Lorna was quite young when her mother died, and I think she’s blocked out some of the memories. I talked to her a little bit about that, but I wasn’t prepared to go around and poke and hurt her  (To Go Quotes) I’m not about to go out and buy a snake for a pet. I mean, I may have faced a few fears but I’m not insane  (To Go Quotes) I knew you had to go in and audition and maybe they’d hire you, and that’s where you start. I had a good understanding about press: that it’s the actor’s responsibility to publicize his or her films  (To Go Quotes) What made me want to go into doing comics was I was working as a laborer with my father, a gardener  (To Go Quotes) You know, usually with movies there are periods, dark areas, where I might not be getting what I wanted out of a theme. I’ll have to go over and over it again  (To Go Quotes) I think clothes should make you feel safe. I like clothes you want to go to sleep in. I sometimes stand in front of a mirror and change a million times because I know I really want to wear my nightgown  (To Go Quotes) Since I started in motor racing I’ve worked with people from all over the world. We are all here to go racing and prejudice will never play any part in that  (To Go Quotes) I’m trying to set up opportunities for myself so that I don’t only have one outlet to go through and rely upon as far as a support system financially, emotionally and mentally  (To Go Quotes) I think there is more pressure at trials when you are trying to make the team and you have to come first or second, and you have to go under qualifying time  (To Go Quotes) I’m not going to go run and hide because I’m catching some heat. I’m not going to stay at home and pout  (To Go Quotes) Everyone has the right to walk from one end of the city to the other in secure and beautiful spaces. Everybody has the right to go by public transport. Everybody has the right to an unhampered view down their street, not full of railings, signs and rubbish  (To Go Quotes) It’s easier to play a dim character, for me, because I have a natural bent for comedy. It’s not intrinsic for me to be crafty, so I would have to go outside for a source of origin. I think of myself as pretty dim  (To Go Quotes) It’s the best feeling when you wake up and it’s warm and cozy, and you don’t have to go to work  (To Go Quotes) This may sound trite, but bad things happen to good people, and when you’re facing terrorism, natural disaster, you can have every wonderful plan in place, but I am a realist  (To Go Quotes) I came into the game when I broke into the major leagues, the minimum salary was seven thousand dollars, and I’d have to go home in the wintertime and get a job  (To Go Quotes) I always said to myself that if I thought I slipped and could not be the player that I want to be, then it was time for me to go  (To Go Quotes) You have to change things in order to get to where you want to go. And things might get worse. But if you’re not getting where you want to be, already, in a sense, it’s as bad as it can get  (To Go Quotes) Because if you’ve found meaning in your life, you don’t want to go back. You want to go forward  (To Go Quotes) I’m not a guy to go in the studio and spend months, let alone years, like some people do. I cannot even be in the studio for a month, it will drive me nuts  (To Go Quotes) If there’s something I want, I go for it. I just think about how I’m going to go for it  (To Go Quotes)
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