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To Go Quotes

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Heroic people take risks to themselves to help others. There’s nothing heroic about accepting $5 million to go out and run around chasing a ball, although you may show fortitude or those other qualities while you do it  (To Go Quotes) Theatre is expensive to go to. I certainly felt when I was growing up that theatre wasn’t for us. Theatre still has that stigma to it. A lot of people feel intimidated and underrepresented in theatre  (To Go Quotes) A joke is not a thing but a process, a trick you play on the listener’s mind. You start him off toward a plausible goal, and then by a sudden twist you land him nowhere at all or just where he didn’t expect to go  (To Go Quotes) I’ve been on the tour for many, many years. It’s time for me to go now, before it’s too late  (To Go Quotes) I wanted to make sure that the environment of the shooting itself was not that controlled, and the way to go about that course was to work with as small a crew as possible  (To Go Quotes) Most regular superhero books are designed to go on forever; of course, very few of them do, but the point is they are trying to throw mud against the wall and hope it will stick, and most of it slides off  (To Go Quotes) I wanted to be able to go shopping without people looking to see if I really was one of the world’s 10 most beautiful women. I longed to be myself  (To Go Quotes) I don’t really like to go out to clubs or anything. It’s just not my style. I’d much rather go to a dive bar or a local place  (To Go Quotes) On the other hand, I think it is wonderful for everyone to take ballet classes, at any age. It gives you a discipline, it gives you a place to go. It gives you some control in your life  (To Go Quotes) As an audience member, those studio films are fun. I like an adventure tale, and I also like to go see something that has more of a social pulse. I like to keep learning and trying new things. And if the scripts are good, it doesn’t really matter  (To Go Quotes) And having a strong family, you know we’ve lost some members of our family and had some setbacks, but I think a good family and kids all those things I thought at one time... you got to be kidding me... Those things are so important they enable you to go on  (To Go Quotes) Im shy. I can go on a trip for days and not go because I wont sit on a toilet seat on a plane. Im certainly not going to go on somebodys lawn. Could you imagine, in a cocktail dress?  (To Go Quotes) Well, my closest friends are still the ones that I went to school with, but it’s nice to go to work, at the studios, and have people there that you’re willing to talk to and have a good conversation with  (To Go Quotes) I’d ban all automobiles from the central part of the city. You see, the automobile was just a passing fad. It’s got to go. It’s got to go a long way from here  (To Go Quotes) My last son is leaving to go to college; my grandchildren are being born. My mother is living with me  (To Go Quotes) I was only interested in my scene, and I had to go through thousands and thousands of other scenes. I got my scene and I read it many, many, many, many, many times. That was my research  (To Go Quotes) It’s always good to go over the recipe beforehand, so you can easily think of the next thing that needs to be done  (To Go Quotes) U.S. journalists I don’t think are very courageous. They tend to go along with the government’s policy domestically and internationally. To question is seen as being unpatriotic, or potentially subversive  (To Go Quotes) I’m not really into gothic music, it’s not really my type of scene but each to their own. I listen to pretty much anything  (To Go Quotes) I don’t know how it is now but the assistant stage manager had to understudy several parts. You had to be ready to go on at any time if the actor couldnt make it to the play. I didn’t think anything of it  (To Go Quotes) I enjoy listening to classical music and heavy metal. I play basketball and try to go diving at least once a year. I don’t really have hobbies in the traditional sense... I engage in too many activities already through the actions of my characters  (To Go Quotes) I had travelled pretty widely around the world even before then, so I knew where to go to film wildlife  (To Go Quotes) I’ve read somewhere that when you’re writing, you should stop while you’re doing well so you always want to go back to work  (To Go Quotes) And for me the only way to live life is to grab the bull by the horns and call up recording studios and set dates to go in recording studios. To try and accomplish something  (To Go Quotes) Hell, if I’d jumped on all the dames I’m supposed to have jumped on, I’d have had no time to go fishing  (To Go Quotes) One day, we were doing a serious scene and fast talking like we do and we could not stop laughing and the director had to stop the production. We had to go to our trailer and calm down and do it all again  (To Go Quotes) There are some who want to get married and others who don’t. I have never had an impulse to go to the altar. I am a difficult person to lead  (To Go Quotes) In the summer you want fresh, light and sort of quick things; in winter you want things that are comforting, so your body really tells you you want to go towards potatoes, apples, fennel, things that are warm and comforting. And loin of pork  (To Go Quotes) The avantgarde are people who don’t exactly know where they want to go, but are the first to get there  (To Go Quotes) When I have clarified and exhausted a subject, then I turn away from it, in order to go into darkness again  (To Go Quotes)
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