To Go Quotes

Text Quotes
If you wish to learn swimming you have to go into the water and if you wish to become a problem solver you have to solve problems (To Go Quotes)
How far we all come. How far we all come away from ourselves. So far, so much between, you can never go home again. You can go home, it’s good to go home, but you never really get all the way home again in your life.... whatever it was and however good it was, it wasn’t what you once had been, and had lost, and could never have again, and once in a while, once in a long time, you remembered, and knew how far you were away, and it hit you hard enough, that little while it lasted, to break your heart (To Go Quotes)
Life is impermanent and in the face of that impermanence, cavort! Look death in the eye, tell him you’re as cute as a button, flash a little deviant guile his way, and tell him to go feast on somebody’s else’s sweet flesh (To Go Quotes)
At what point do the people tell the politicians to go to hell? At what point do they get off the couch, march down to their state legislator’s house, pull him outside, and beat him to a bloody pulp for being an idiot? (To Go Quotes)
When serious people of good faith disagree, they’ve got to go back into the narratives and come at it again. One of the problems in the church is that people are not willing to do that. People have arrived at a place where they think they have got the answer (To Go Quotes)
I’ve tried writing and the sentences come out fine, but I write a few pages and I don’t want to go on (To Go Quotes)
We all have our own battles to fight, and sometimes we have to go it alone. I’m stronger than you think, you’d be surprised (To Go Quotes)
Movement is a fantastic privilege but it ultimately only has meaning if you have a home to go back to (To Go Quotes)
I take very seriously the sense of our living these days in a global neighborhood. And the first sensible thing to do in such circumstances, as well as one of the most rewarding things, is to go and meet the neighbors, find out who they are, and what they think and feel. So travel for me is an act of discovery and of responsibility as well a grand adventure and a constant liberation (To Go Quotes)
I do think it’s only by stopping movement that you can see where to go. And it’s only by stepping out of your life and the world that you can see what you most deeply care about… and find a home (To Go Quotes)
I need to solve the problem. It’s no different from how am I going to get my son out the door when he needs to go to school. It’s a bigger version of that same type of problem (To Go Quotes)
You have to go out onto the pitch feeling good about yourself. That can give you that extra 30 per cent (To Go Quotes)
I don’t need to go into office for the power. I have houses all over the world, stupendous boats... beautiful airplanes, a beautiful wife, a beautiful family... I am making a sacrifice (To Go Quotes)
I would be very happy to see 3.5 billion humans wiped out from the face of the earth within the next 150 or 200 years and I am quite prepared to go myself with this majority... let us all look forward to the day when the catastrophe strikes us down! (To Go Quotes)
In my experience, men who respond to good fortune with modesty and kindness are harder to find than those who face adversity with courage (To Go Quotes)
I write all the time. I do artwork that’s part of a diary, and I write short stories to go with them pretty much every day (To Go Quotes)
There’s some idea there, and the power of it comes from the fact that most of the time you’ll never be able to answer what it is. It’s just there. It’s just a magic moment that you can feel in your gut that it’s there, and you’re willing to go there and sleep there and go through the hardship and fight for it. Once you start answering it too clearly then the magic is gone (To Go Quotes)
What do I have to do to earn and deserve the key relationships that are going to get me where I want to go? (To Go Quotes)
I’m in for work at 6.30am and one of the last to leave. I don’t want to go home. We have beds at the training ground and I go home sometimes and say to my wife: Do you know something, I didn’t want to leave work today! It’s not a slight on my wife. It’s just a great position to be in when you love your job so much (To Go Quotes)
I don’t see the problem with footballers taking their shirts off after scoring a goal? They enjoy it and the young ladies enjoy it too. I suppose that’s one of the main reasons women come to football games, to see the young men take their shirts off. Of course they’d have to go and watch another game because my lads are as ugly as sin (To Go Quotes)
At some point you have to believe that the inadequacies of the words you use will be transcended by the faith with which you use them. You have to believe that poetry has some reach into reality itself, or you have to go silent (To Go Quotes)
Ours is an upbeat, a hurried, hasty beat. It keeps pressing us to go farther, to include everything so that we can savor everything, so that we can know everything, so that we will miss nothing. Partly it’s greed, but mainly its curiosity. We just want to experience it. And we do (To Go Quotes)
The question of historicity and actuality with regard to gods and unicorns is a relatively trifling matter which may be left to antiquarians and biologists, for both the God and the unicorn had a business to perform greater than any mere existence in the flesh could explain or provide a basis for (To Go Quotes)
Implants were something I thought I wanted when I was younger, and now I don’t. It was hard being active with them, because my chest was always sore. It hurt a lot, and I didn’t like always being in pain, so they had to go! (To Go Quotes)
Always live your life with one dream to fulfill. No matter how many of your dreams you have realized in the past, always have a dream to go. Because when you stop dreaming, life becomes a mundane existence (To Go Quotes)
It’s often been said that you learn more from losing than you do from winning. I think, if you’re wise, you learn from both. You learn a lot from a loss. You learn what is it that we’re not doing to get to where we want to go. It really gets your attention and it really motivates the work ethic of your team when you’re not doing well (To Go Quotes)
Don’t wait until you retire to go fishing. Don’t even wait until your annual vacation. Go at every opportunity. Things that appear more urgent at the moment may, in the long run, turn out to be far less so (To Go Quotes)
Humaneness and justice are the means by which to govern properly. When government is carried out properly, people feel close to the leadership and think little of dying for it (To Go Quotes)
The most important imperative to be questioned is the one that tells you to go the the art supply store to be a painter (To Go Quotes)
I know the streets, I know the system, I know poverty, and I know how it feels to be 15 and not have a safe place to go (To Go Quotes)