To God everything is beautiful, good, and just; humans, however, think some things are unjust and others just

To God everything is beautiful, good, and just; humans, however, think some things are unjust and others just
Heraclitus, the ancient Greek philosopher known for his belief in the constant change and flux of the universe, would likely have a unique perspective on the idea that "To God everything is beautiful, good, and just; humans, however, think some things are unjust and others just." Heraclitus believed that everything in the world is in a state of constant change, and that the only constant is change itself. This belief would suggest that what humans perceive as unjust or just is simply a matter of their own limited perspective.In the context of Heraclitus' philosophy, the idea that God sees everything as beautiful, good, and just makes sense. If everything is in a state of constant change and flux, then there is no fixed standard by which to judge the world. From God's perspective, everything is part of the natural order of the universe, and therefore everything is beautiful, good, and just in its own way.
Humans, on the other hand, are limited by their own perceptions and biases. They see the world through a narrow lens, and often judge things as unjust or just based on their own limited understanding. This is where conflict and discord arise, as different individuals may have different ideas of what is just and unjust.
Heraclitus would likely argue that humans need to let go of their preconceived notions of justice and injustice, and instead embrace the constant change and flux of the universe. By doing so, they can come to see the beauty and goodness in all things, even those that may initially seem unjust or unfair.