To live among such excellent helps as our libraries afford, to have so many silent wise companions whenever we please

To live among such excellent helps as our libraries afford, to have so many silent wise companions whenever we please
Richard Baxter, a prominent English Puritan church leader and theologian, once remarked on the invaluable resource that libraries provide to individuals. He expressed his gratitude for the opportunity to live among such excellent helps as libraries afford, and to have so many silent wise companions whenever one pleases. Baxter's words highlight the profound impact that access to knowledge and wisdom can have on an individual's life.Libraries serve as repositories of knowledge, containing a vast array of books, journals, and other resources that cover a wide range of subjects. For someone like Richard Baxter, who was deeply committed to the study of theology and the Christian faith, libraries were essential in his pursuit of understanding and enlightenment. They provided him with the tools he needed to deepen his knowledge and engage in intellectual discourse with other scholars.
In Baxter's time, libraries were not as readily accessible as they are today. Many people did not have the means to purchase books or access a wide range of resources. For Baxter, the opportunity to have access to such a wealth of knowledge was a privilege that he did not take for granted. He recognized the value of having silent wise companions in the form of books, which could offer guidance, inspiration, and solace in times of need.
Baxter's appreciation for libraries also speaks to the importance of intellectual curiosity and lifelong learning. He understood that the pursuit of knowledge was a lifelong endeavor, and that libraries provided a space for individuals to continue their intellectual growth and development. By surrounding oneself with books and other resources, one could engage in a dialogue with the great minds of the past and present, expanding one's horizons and deepening one's understanding of the world.