To love is to be transformed into what we love. To love God is therefore to be transformed into God

To love is to be transformed into what we love. To love God is therefore to be transformed into God
Saint John of the Cross, a Spanish mystic and poet, is known for his profound writings on the nature of divine love and the soul's journey towards union with God. One of his most famous quotes is, "To love is to be transformed into what we love. To love God is therefore to be transformed into God." This statement encapsulates the essence of John's teachings on the transformative power of love and the ultimate goal of the spiritual life.For Saint John of the Cross, love is not merely an emotion or a feeling, but a transformative force that has the power to change us at the deepest level of our being. When we love something or someone, we are drawn towards them, we become more like them, and we are ultimately transformed by our love for them. In the case of loving God, this transformation is even more profound, as it involves becoming more like God in our thoughts, actions, and desires.
To love God, according to Saint John of the Cross, is to seek union with God, to align our will with God's will, and to surrender ourselves completely to God's love. This process of transformation requires a deepening of our faith, a purification of our hearts, and a willingness to let go of our own ego and desires in order to be filled with the divine presence.
Saint John of the Cross describes this journey of transformation as the "dark night of the soul," a period of spiritual purification and growth in which the soul is stripped of all that is not of God in order to be united with God in love. This process is painful and challenging, but it is necessary for the soul to be transformed and purified in order to be united with God.
Ultimately, for Saint John of the Cross, the goal of the spiritual life is to become one with God, to be transformed into God through the power of divine love. This transformation is not something that can be achieved through our own efforts or willpower, but is a gift from God that is received through faith, surrender, and love. As we open ourselves to God's love and allow ourselves to be transformed by it, we become more like God in our thoughts, actions, and desires, and we are drawn ever closer to the divine presence that dwells within us.