To maintain the supreme sense of self confidence I have cultivated, I repeat, 'I am strong, able and calm.'

Self Confidence QuotesI Am QuotesI Am Strong QuotesThe Supreme QuotesSense Of Self QuotesRobin S Sharma Quotes
To maintain the supreme sense of self confidence I have cultivated, I repeat, 'I am strong, able and calm.'
Robin S. Sharma, a renowned author and leadership expert, is known for his empowering messages that inspire individuals to reach their full potential. One of his key teachings is the importance of maintaining a strong sense of self-confidence in order to achieve success in all aspects of life. In his book "The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari," Sharma emphasizes the power of positive affirmations in shaping one's mindset and ultimately, their reality.The phrase "I am strong, able and calm" is a powerful affirmation that can help individuals maintain a supreme sense of self-confidence. By repeating this mantra regularly, one can reinforce their belief in their own abilities and remain calm and composed in the face of challenges. This affirmation serves as a reminder of one's inner strength and resilience, helping them navigate through difficult situations with confidence and grace.
Sharma often emphasizes the importance of self-belief and positive thinking in achieving success. By repeating affirmations like "I am strong, able and calm," individuals can reprogram their subconscious mind to focus on their strengths and capabilities rather than their limitations. This shift in mindset can have a profound impact on one's confidence levels and overall well-being.