To see one in all and all in one is to break through the great barrier which narrows one's perception of reality,

To see one in all and all in one is to break through the great barrier which narrows one's perception of reality,
Thich Nhat Hanh, a renowned Vietnamese Buddhist monk and peace activist, often speaks about the interconnectedness of all beings and the importance of breaking through the barriers that limit our perception of reality. In his teachings, he emphasizes the concept of interbeing, which is the idea that everything in the universe is interconnected and interdependent. This means that we are not separate from each other or from the world around us, but rather we are all part of a larger whole.When we see one in all and all in one, we are able to transcend the narrow boundaries of our individual perceptions and recognize the unity that exists in all things. This shift in perspective allows us to break through the barriers that separate us from each other and from the world, and to see the interconnectedness of all beings. By recognizing the oneness of all things, we can cultivate a sense of compassion, empathy, and understanding towards others, as we realize that their suffering is our suffering, and their joy is our joy.
Thich Nhat Hanh often uses the metaphor of the wave and the ocean to illustrate this concept. He explains that just as a wave is not separate from the ocean but is a manifestation of it, we are not separate from the world but are an integral part of it. When we see ourselves as individual waves, we may feel isolated and disconnected from others, but when we realize that we are all part of the same ocean, we can experience a sense of unity and interconnectedness.
Breaking through the great barrier of narrow perception is a transformative experience that can lead to a profound shift in consciousness. When we are able to see one in all and all in one, we can transcend the limitations of our ego and connect with the deeper truth of our interconnectedness with all beings. This realization can bring about a sense of peace, harmony, and oneness that transcends the boundaries of our individual selves and unites us with the greater whole.