To sit and pass hour after hour in idle chatter with a roomful of strangers is to me the worst sort of torment

To sit and pass hour after hour in idle chatter with a roomful of strangers is to me the worst sort of torment
Susanna Clarke, the acclaimed author of the novel "Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell," is known for her intricate and immersive storytelling. Her work often delves into themes of magic, mystery, and the supernatural, captivating readers with her richly detailed worlds and complex characters. However, despite her talent for crafting compelling narratives, Clarke has also been open about her struggles with social anxiety and discomfort in social situations.The quote "To sit and pass hour after hour in idle chatter with a roomful of strangers is to me the worst sort of torment" speaks to Clarke's own experiences and feelings of unease in social settings. As an introverted and introspective individual, Clarke likely finds small talk and superficial conversations draining and unfulfilling. For someone who thrives on deep, meaningful connections and intellectual stimulation, the idea of spending hours engaging in idle chatter with strangers may feel like a form of torture.