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And while faith based on theological reasoning is today universally engaged in a bitter struggle with doubt and resistance from the prevailing brand of rationalism, it does seem that the naked fundamental experience itself, that primal seizure of mystic insight, stripped of religious concepts, perhaps no longer to be regarded as a religious experience at all, has undergone an immense expansion and now forms the soul of that complex irrationalism that haunts our era like a night bird lost in the dawn  (Today Quotes) Maybe we try too hard to be remembered, waking to the glowing yellow disc in ignorance, swearing that today will be the day, today we will make something of our lives. what if we are so busy searching for worth that we miss the sapphire sky and cackling blackbird. what else is missing? maybe our steps are too straight and our paths too narrow and not overlapping. maybe when they overlap someone in another country lights a candle, a couple resolves their argument, a young man puts down his silver gun and walks away  (Today Quotes) Today you will say things you can predict and other things you could never imagine this minute. Don’t reject them, let them come through when they’re ready, don’t think you can plan it al out. This day will never, no matter how long you live, happen again. It is exquisitely singular. It will never again be exactly repeated  (Today Quotes) Think of the long trip home. Should we have stayed home and thought of here? Where should we be today?  (Today Quotes) I’m a century old, an impossible age, and my brain has no anchor in the present. Instead it drifts, nearly always to the same shore. Today, as most days, it is 1962. The year I discovered love  (Today Quotes) I’ve stabbed two people with a fork today. What’s wrong with me?  (Today Quotes) No one can remain married today because they are not married to the one they love, they are married to their sacrifice, and pretending to love is too damned painful. Love and build, love and work, love and fight. Always love first. Anything placed before love will fail  (Today Quotes) Always run after opportunities to create peace between people, to find ways to bridge differences, please. Because as long as one person continues to feel separation… …we’ll all still feel it. Close the space between you and someone today. Seeing their essential goodness helps a lot  (Today Quotes) I will do those things which make me happy today and which I can also live with ten years from now  (Today Quotes) Habits are like financial capital – forming one today is an investment that will automatically give out returns for years to come  (Today Quotes) I keep telling you the future isn’t set in stone. It’s not all decided yet. The future is just what’s down the road we decided to walk on today. You can change roads anytime. And that changes where you end up  (Today Quotes) Here today, up and off to somewhere else tomorrow! Travel, change, interest, excitement! The whole world before you, and a horizon that’s always changing!  (Today Quotes) Do not dwell upon the sins and mistakes of yesterday so exclusively as to have no energy and mind left for living rightly today, and do not think that the sins of yesterday can prevent you from living purely today  (Today Quotes) The electricity came on for the second time today wile we were eating. This may be a fool’s paradise, but it’s a paradise nonetheless  (Today Quotes) So much of liberalism in its classical sense is taken for granted in the west today and even disrespected. We take freedom for granted, and because of this we don’t understand how incredibly vulnerable it is  (Today Quotes) I say seduce her, seduce her tonight. Break the door down if you have to. Tell her all those things you said to me about her. You will love her more tomorrow than today and how you want to die with her hand in yours–which is an excellent line, by the way, that I fully intend to borrow when the time comes  (Today Quotes) You must have the courage to face what happened today and to live with it in your heart and to use the memory of it to grow and be strong  (Today Quotes) I have always been a spectator of life, you know, never a participant. Never. But now I am. Today I am, and I an awed and deliriously happy. This is the adventure I asked for, the adventure I am having I will be forever grateful to you  (Today Quotes) The fact is, there is no foundation, no secure ground, upon which people may stand today if it isn’t the family  (Today Quotes) Rage is the opposite of thought, whoever has put you in this frame of mind has more control over you right now, than you have over yourself. If he is your opponent and you will face him today, you will be defeated  (Today Quotes) ... Capitalism will behave antisocially if it is profitable for it to do so, and that can now mean human devastation on an unimaginable scale. What used to be apocalyptic fantasy is today no more than sober realism  (Today Quotes) I am often accused of interfering in the private lives of citizens. Yes, if I did not, had I not done that, we wouldn’t be here today  (Today Quotes) I’m an elephant today. I will need to have lots of room and also a bowl of water on the floor  (Today Quotes) Today might not be so good. But tomorrow, you got another chance to get it right  (Today Quotes) There was only today to throw yourself into without thinking about tomorrow, let alone forever. To keep you from thinking, there was liquor, an ocean’s worth at least, all the usual vices and plenty of rope to hang yourself with. Love is a beautiful liar  (Today Quotes) The greatest sin of political imagination: Thinking there is no other way except the filthy rotten system we have today  (Today Quotes) In years past, to keep their men close, women would wear a ring and bear children. It doesn’t work like that today. Nowadays, how do we hold on to those we love? I’ve no idea  (Today Quotes) Today at school I will learn to read at once; then tomorrow I will begin to write, and the day after tomorrow to cipher. Then with my acquirements I will earn a great deal of money, and with the first money I have in my pocket I will immediately buy for my papa a beautiful new cloth coat. But what am I saying? Cloth, indeed! It shall be all made of gold and silver, and it shall have diamond buttons. That poor man really deserves it; for to buy me books and to have me taught he has remained in his shirt sleeves... And in this cold! It is only fathers who are capable of such sacrifices!  (Today Quotes) So your father told you once that you were his princess you won’t see the castle you cannot find your prince and now you’ve grown a lot and your dress don’t fit right your daddy’s not a hero he stole your chariot so here you are in pieces trying to prove to us it’s real the softness of your smile and the lies you want to feel the scales beneath your skin are showing off today there’s evil in your heart and it wants out to play there’s evil in your heart and it wants out to play there’s evil in your heart and I have made a home here for me you’ll burn it down with your fantasy  (Today Quotes) The financial crisis we are facing today arises from the fact that there is almost no more social, cultural, natural, and spiritual capital left to convert into money  (Today Quotes)
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