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I love teaching. It’s a job that lasts forever. Whatever you teach children today travels with them far into the future  (Today Quotes) Don’t worry whether or not I am now happy. Today is only chapter one, we have yet to write a book  (Today Quotes) The colonists usually say that it was they who brought us into history: today we show that this is not so. They made us leave history, our history, to follow them, right at the back, to follow the progress of their history  (Today Quotes) You know, there are many people in the country today who, through no fault of their own, are sane. Some of them were born sane. Some of them became sane later in their lives  (Today Quotes) I remember an era when you could get your nose sliced off for sticking it too far into another man’s business. Now you can find out anything about anyone with the click of a button. There is no privacy and no consideration, and everyone is prying into things that aren’t their affair. You can probably check on the intertube and find out what color underwear I have on today  (Today Quotes) We want you. We wanted you yesterday, we want you today and we’ll want you tomorrow. There’s nothing you could do to change that  (Today Quotes) His dark hair is perfectly recklessly up today, those tanned muscles flexing as he extends out his arms and does his little turn. And here I am, my breath caught between my lungs and my lips as he turns around and scans the crowd. As soon as he spots me, his eyes come alive, as alive as I feel when he smiles at me. He holds my gaze while those dimples flash, and I swear he stares at me in a way that makes me feel that I am the only woman here  (Today Quotes) Today I acknowledge that I am not in position to judge what mistakes anyone is making or what lessons anyone needs to learn. I don’t know how far someone has come or when that person will have a breakthrough, I simply don’t know what other people should be doing. But when I think I do know, I clearly am not doing what I should be doing, which is taking responsibility for my own life  (Today Quotes) I have no regrets in my life even the crazy things I’ve been in. It all made me the I am today and I wouldn’t change anything. I’m happy with who I am!  (Today Quotes) He believed in himself, believed in his quixotic ambition, letting the failures of the previous day disappear as each new day dawned. Yesterday was not today. The past did not predict the future if he could learn from his mistakes  (Today Quotes) Information is the most valuable commodity in the world today and this business is about giving people access to information that is relevant to their lives  (Today Quotes) Consumers today are less responsive to traditional media. They are embracing new technologies that empower them with more control over how and when they are marketed to  (Today Quotes) What makes a media company successful is how it copes with competitive markets in which people have a choice. Competition today is at a more intense level than it has ever before been because the barriers to providing information in the virtual world are so low and the choice of provider nearly infinite  (Today Quotes) Cooking is so popular today because it’s the perfect mix of food and fun  (Today Quotes) I find freedom to be the most important issue facing any human being today, because without freedom, then life is pointless. The more dependent you become on centralized power, the more easily you are lead around  (Today Quotes) Feelings are constantly changing. None is dependable for long. You can love someone intensely today, and tomorrow or next month not feel a thing. Except perhaps for the feeling of doubt or depression that what was so beautiful could change so quickly  (Today Quotes) If the society today allows wrongs to go unchallenged, the impression is created that those wrongs have the approval of the majority  (Today Quotes) Citizenship comes first today in our crowded world... No man can enjoy the privileges of education and thereafter with a clear conscience break his contract with society. To respect that contract is to be mature, to strengthen it is to be a good citizen, to do more than your share under it is noble  (Today Quotes) As long as we continue to think we will be happy in the future, we will never be happy in the moment, and that is the same as saying that we will never be happy. If we think that our lives will be better when we get that better job or retire, stay or go, gain or lose weight, or when our children grow and leave or come back, we are putting off the happiness that there is in today  (Today Quotes) He that never changes his opinions, never corrects his mistakes, will never be wiser on the morrow than he is today  (Today Quotes) The trouble with much of the advice business is getting today about the need to be more vigorously creative is, essentially, that its advocates have generally failed to distinguish between the relatively easy process of being creative in the abstract and the infinitely more difficult process of being innovationist in the concrete  (Today Quotes) When you hear my records today hear a vanilla sounding artist with no black inflection, although I was trying to imitate what I heard  (Today Quotes) There is only one way of surviving all the early heartbreaks in this business. You must have a sense of humor. And I think it also helps if you are a dreamer. I had my dreams all right. And that is something no one can ever take away. They cost nothing, and they can be as real as you like to make them. You own your dreams and they are priceless. I’ve been a lavatory attendant, a theatre usher, a panhandler, all for real. Now, as an actor, I can be a journalist today and a brain surgeon tomorrow. That’s the stuff my dreams are made of  (Today Quotes) Any piece of knowledge I acquire today has a value at this moment exactly proportional to my skill to deal with it. Tomorrow, when I know more, I recall that piece of knowledge and use it better  (Today Quotes) ... people today are so accustomed to pretentious nonsense that they see nothing amiss in reading without understanding, and many of them at length discover that they can without difficulty write in like manner themselves and win applause for it. And so it perpetuates itself  (Today Quotes) The mathematician of today admits that he can neither square the circle, duplicate the cube or trisect the angle. May not our mechanicians, in like manner, be ultimately forced to admit that aerial flight is one of that great class of problems with which men can never cope... I do not claim that this is a necessary conclusion from any past experience. But I do think that success must await progress of a different kind from that of invention  (Today Quotes) First, we must liberate people from religion, as religion is understood and practiced today. Second, we must effect a paradigm shift from religiosity to shared spirituality  (Today Quotes) The world’s major religions in the end all want the same thing, even though they were born in different places and circumstances on this planet. What the world needs today is a convergence of the different religions in the search for and definition of the cosmic or divine laws which ought to regulate our behavior on this planet  (Today Quotes) There are young people today that move like old people from eating too much junk food and not getting enough exercise  (Today Quotes) Today I will do what others won’t, so tomorrow I can accomplish what others can’t  (Today Quotes)
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