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Business is the most powerful institution on earth today. It is more powerful than politics. Business serves us very well in some ways, but it doesn’t serve us as fully as it should; it doesn’t serve us fully as people  (Today Quotes) It is our duty to try to be perfect, … to improve each day, and look upon our course last week and do things better this week; do things better today than we did them yesterday  (Today Quotes) How is it that we can entrust the solutions for the problems that confront our country today to those who are complicit in their creation?  (Today Quotes) The most unhappy thing about conservation is that it is never permanent. Save a priceless woodland or an irreplaceable mountain today, and tomorrow it is threatened from another quarter  (Today Quotes) I have an optimism about what people are willing to do. The greatest force in the world today, believe it or not, are these countless groups of people in every country almost... that are doing things to protect their local environment and to try and protect the earth  (Today Quotes) It took thrift and savings, together with tremendous character and vision, to make our nation what it is today. And it will take thrift and savings, together with constant ingenuity and stamina, to conserve our remaining resources to enable us to continue to be a great nation  (Today Quotes) Money is the great power today. Men sell their souls for it. Women sell their bodies for it. Others worship it. The money power has grown so great that the issue of all issues is whether the corporation shall rule this country or the country shall again rule the corporations  (Today Quotes) As science is more and more subject to grave misuse as well as to use for human benefit it has also become the scientist’s responsibility to become aware of the social relations and applications of his subject, and to exert his influence in such a direction as will result in the best applications of the findings in his own and related fields. Thus he must help in educating the public, in the broad sense, and this means first educating himself, not only in science but in regard to the great issues confronting mankind today  (Today Quotes) I had hit a critical period in my life, where I changed very much as a person. I consider the person I used to be, dead, and I’m glad that he is. Insecure, frightened, confused, much like a lot of people I know today  (Today Quotes) No one else can feel it for you only you can let it in no one else, no one else can speak the words on your lips treat yourself in what’s unspoken live your life with arms wide open today is where your book begins the rest is still unwritten  (Today Quotes) In many ways, constancy is an illusion. After all, our ancestors were immigrants, many of them moving on every few years; today we are migrants in time. Unless teachers can hold up a model of lifelong learning and adaptation, graduates are likely to find themselves trapped into obsolescence as the world changes around them. Of any stopping place in life, it is good to ask whether it will be a good place from which to go on as well as a good place to remain  (Today Quotes) If you’ve got an idea, start today. There’s no better time than now to get going. That doesn’t mean quit your job and jump into your idea 100 percent from day one, but there’s always small progress that can be made to start the movement  (Today Quotes) When I write a song today, basically it goes on the stage tomorrow. That’s the way it works. You cannont interrupt your consciousness; it all comes from the subconscious, it can happen anywhere. It could be in a telephone booth  (Today Quotes) What inspires me is anxiety and the quest to try to change things in my life... I got addicted to endings and beginnings and to the idea of always moving around... Obviously, whenever you’re going through something that’s the best time to create, if you’re going through something amazing, or horrible, or nothing at all you should be creating. Unfortunately the songwriters of today generally torture themselves to make sure they’re writing good songs and take it a little too seriously  (Today Quotes) I’d like to do a song that I wrote today about our government’s increasing infringement on our right to privacy, but the lyrics mysteriously disappeared from my guitar case  (Today Quotes) It’s your birthday today, so what would you say, if we turned that frown upside down  (Today Quotes) I raise a glass, to make a toast wishing everything good for you, so happy birthday for today and health and happiness too  (Today Quotes) Extra special birthday wishes are sent to you today, to wish you love and happiness in every single way  (Today Quotes) Retiring today allows me to walk away from the game with pride, rather than have the game walk away from me  (Today Quotes) I was nervous starting off today. I was nervous because I felt like I was going to play good and shoot a good round. I was trying to calm myself down. This race is a long race. The eagle at two was helped, but I was trying not to be too eager  (Today Quotes) I came down the long road, even before I got here. Just to be where I am today is already a positive in my life. But to have something like this happen to me as well, I’m speechless  (Today Quotes) Yesterday they called it coincidence. Today it’s synchronicity. Tomorrow they’ll call it skill  (Today Quotes) How incredibly far our lives drift from where we knew with all certainty they would go. How little today resembles what yesterday thought it would look like  (Today Quotes) For several years I worried a lot about protecting an image, but today I have understood that the image cannot be preconceived  (Today Quotes) The only time to take the step towards change is now. Even if they’re baby steps, start today! Consistency is important because you must make time to work on your goals. Even if there is little you can do, you must!  (Today Quotes) I love my dad. He’s the biggest thing in my life. He taught me and he straightened me out and he kept me in line. If it hadn’t been for him standing behind me and pushing me and driving me, I wouldn’t be where I am today  (Today Quotes) Value our lives because we never know what day or what time itll be over,... Rich, famous, whatever, it just makes you appreciate just seeing today  (Today Quotes) Stop and appreciate what you have today. Look at what you have with wider eyes, maybe with more compassion and more gratitude for the things that you do have and not the things you don’t have  (Today Quotes) Just be yourself and the right guy will come along, whether it be today, tomorrow, or next year. It’ll happen!  (Today Quotes) Everything that I’ve done has made me who I am today. You know, it’s cliche, but it’s true  (Today Quotes)
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