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We delight in one knowable thing, which comprehends all that is knowable; in one apprehensible, which draws together all that can be apprehended; in a single being that includes all, above all in the one which is itself the all  (Together Quotes) Two may talk together under the same roof for many years, yet never really meet; and two others at first speech are old friends  (Together Quotes) You put together the best team that you can with the players you’ve got, and replace those who aren’t good enough  (Together Quotes) We are always talking about being together, and yet whatever we invent destroys the family, and makes us wild, touchless beasts feeding on technicolor prairies and rivers  (Together Quotes) How many hopes and fears, how many ardent wishes and anxious apprehensions are twisted together in the threads that connect the parent with the child!  (Together Quotes) When we walk the streets at night in safety, it does not strike us that this might be otherwise. This habit of feeling safe has become second nature, and we do not reflect on just how this is due solely to the working of special institutions. Commonplace thinking often has the impression that force holds the state together, but in fact its only bond is the fundamental sense of order which everybody possesses  (Together Quotes) Anthropology provides a scientific basis for dealing with the crucial dilemma of the world today how can peoples of different appearance, mutually unintelligible languages, and dissimilar ways of life get along peaceably together  (Together Quotes) One thing about a pig, he thinks he’s warm if his nose is warm. I saw a bunch of pigs one time that had frozen together in a rosette, each one’s nose tucked under the rump of the one in front. We have a lot of pigs in politics  (Together Quotes) It really isn’t anybody’s business how many people we have working for us. What’s offensive is that I’m portrayed as this prima donna with these sycophants telling me how great I am all the time. Yes, they do work for me, but we’re working together for a higher good  (Together Quotes) When you’re in a relationship, you’re always surrounded by a ring of circumstances... joined together by a wedding ring, or in a boxing ring  (Together Quotes) Together, we’ll live with the sadness. I’ll love you with all the madness in my soul  (Together Quotes) Everything is held together with stories. That is all that is holding us together, stories and compassion  (Together Quotes) To have common glories in the past, a common will in the present; to have done great things together; to wish to do greater; these are the essential conditions which make up a people  (Together Quotes) Give bread to a stranger, in the name of the universal brotherhood which binds together all men under the common father of nature  (Together Quotes) I’m not a detail guy. I depend on accountants and administrators to do my detail stuff for me, but I do know the overall picture and I know that if you put business people together in a room, not just politicians, they could shrink the deficit tremendously by good business tactics  (Together Quotes) Manufacturing is more than just putting parts together. It’s coming up with ideas, testing principles and perfecting the engineering, as well as final assembly  (Together Quotes) I know of no single formula for success. But over the years I have observed that some attributes of leadership are universal and are often about finding ways of encouraging people to combine their efforts, their talents, their insights, their enthusiasm and their inspiration to work together  (Together Quotes) I think that anytime you get clear about what your mission is or what your focus wants to be, things start to come together in your life  (Together Quotes) I do yoga. I do tai chi. I do a lot to keep my body and my spirit together so I can work  (Together Quotes) It’s a massive undertaking putting an album together... It’s not light weight at all  (Together Quotes) Legislators have a formal set of responsibilities to work together, but there’s no hierarchy  (Together Quotes) As economists have often pointed out, we pay doctors for quantity, not quality. As they point out less often, we also pay them as individuals, rather than as members of a team working together for their patients. Both practices have made for serious problems  (Together Quotes) Animals are certainly more sophisticated than we used to think. And we shouldn’t lump together animals as a group. Crows and chimps and dogs are all highly intelligent in very different ways  (Together Quotes) Putting together philosophy and children would have been difficult for most of history. But very fortunately for me, when I started graduate school there was a real scientific revolution taking place in developmental psychology  (Together Quotes) I always feel like I want to work with people who raise my game, and I can do the same for them, and we can jump off the cliff together  (Together Quotes) When I was young, before school, my father would wake me up and we would go running together. A love of being physical, being active and being outside was something he instilled in me  (Together Quotes) I am a strong believer in the intertwined nature of the personal and the political; I think they move together  (Together Quotes) A lot of the main characters in horror movies are outsiders as well, so that outsider syndrome reverberates within horror fans and geeky collectors. It’s kind of a rallying call that brings fans and collectors together who are a little socially retarded, maybe  (Together Quotes) Fashion has always been a repetition of ideas, but what makes it new is the way you put it together  (Together Quotes) I would stay in my room for days, for days at times, just trying to get it together, to know what my next phase was going to be  (Together Quotes)
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