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When I rap, I get to express myself in a way where putting words together is like poetry, and sometimes it’s better to talk in certain expressions than sing, you know? So I love, I love to rhyme when I want to express certain things  (Together Quotes) I feel like there is this weird thing where celebrity involvement in political campaigns kind of goes together like peanut butter and chocolate. Sometimes it’s good, sometimes it’s bad  (Together Quotes) As an actor to watch an audience of people howl together in a single mind as a result of work you’ve done together with friends is a privilege  (Together Quotes) I do love getting dressed up, but sometimes it’s glam and edgy mixed together  (Together Quotes) Maybe I’m naively romantic, but I do believe that spice and excitement doesn’t stop once a couple gets together  (Together Quotes) The telephone is virtual reality in that you can meet with someone as if you are together, at least for the auditory sense  (Together Quotes) I believe everyone has a soul mate that they can spend the rest of their life together  (Together Quotes) Thrift shopping is really just an extension of me being that same kid and going into a place that’s completely unconventional that has really endless possibilities in terms of outfits that you can put together and really just expressing yourself  (Together Quotes) For myself, the only way I know how to make a book is to construct it like a collage: a bit of dialogue here, a scrap of narrative, an isolated description of a common object, an elaborate running metaphor which threads between the sequences and holds different narrative lines together  (Together Quotes) I was trying to uphold what I thought feminism was as best I could by supporting women, by trying to create an opportunity to get women to get together, play music together and celebrate the fact that we are having great success making music on our own and together  (Together Quotes) Grief and memory go together. After someone dies, that’s what you’re left with. And the memories are so slippery yet so rich  (Together Quotes) That’s what sets apart one actor from another, and that you can’t teach. You can’t give someone that. When you’re working, putting a character together, or in a scene, that’s where things will happen that you have to have the intuition to notice them, and to register them  (Together Quotes) Corruption is the enemy of development, and of good governance. It must be got rid of. Both the government and the people at large must come together to achieve this national objective  (Together Quotes) A band isn’t a band unless they’re playing together. Otherwise, it’s just five guys that are living off their royalty checks  (Together Quotes) I think it’s important to show a husband and a wife together, in a room, raising children, because you don’t see that anymore  (Together Quotes) I’ve seen people spend days, if not months, researching and gathering data, but only at the end did they finally figure out what they were really looking for; then they have to redo a lot of stuff. If after a day or so you force yourself to put together your tentative conclusions, then you’ll have guidance for the rest of your research  (Together Quotes) It’s hard for two actors to be together. Take the traveling, for instance. It winds up being a long distance relationship, all the time, because one’s working here and one’s working there, or one’s staying at home and one’s off someplace else  (Together Quotes) Any time women come together with a collective intention, it’s a powerful thing. Whether it’s sitting down making a quilt, in a kitchen preparing a meal, in a club reading the same book, or around the table playing cards, or planning a birthday party, when women come together with a collective intention, magic happens  (Together Quotes) Making movies is not rocket science. It’s about relationships and communication and strangers coming together to see if they can get along harmoniously, productively, and creatively. That’s a challenge. When it works, it’s fantastic and will lift you up. When it doesn’t work, it’s almost just as fascinating  (Together Quotes) Musicians playing together, it’s a conversation, and ideally I want our conversation to be really intriguing and interesting and beautiful  (Together Quotes) Particularly when you’re dealing with very high ranking people, you know, you have to get their attention, they are used to, by their rank, of having their own way and doing their own thing and when it’s necessary to all work together on something, sometimes you have to hit the mule between the eyes of the two by four to get its attention  (Together Quotes) When you’re young, it’s hard not to get together with your costar  (Together Quotes) I kind of just put my boards together wherever I feel comfortable that day. It could be on the kitchen table, on the ground, on the couch, wherever  (Together Quotes) Gays don’t have a lot of testosterone. I’m talking about that they use both sides of their brain. Straight men only use one side. Gay men are very bright, very handsome... they put themselves better together. They dress good, they decorate, they clean, they cook  (Together Quotes) If you’re going to get engaged make sure you’ve talked to your partner about life together in the years to come  (Together Quotes) I was a chubby boy. My pants used to wear out in the middle, and it was because my legs used to rub together. I wasn’t obese, just chunky  (Together Quotes) I think we’re going to start to see a new model of civic advocacy where people get together once in a while to protest, but it’s more about an ongoing, sustained engagement in issues, networks and communities about which people care  (Together Quotes) There are estimated to be fewer that 50 prodigious savants worldwide. If we were brought together, it would be disappointing in the sense of us having different abilities. One thing that would make me feel united with them would be the sense of us having grown up in isolation  (Together Quotes) When I multiply numbers together, I see two shapes. The image starts to change and evolve, and a third shape emerges. That’s the answer. It’s mental imagery. It’s like maths without having to think  (Together Quotes) If people are not listening to you as individuals, it’s always good to get together and make a stand for something  (Together Quotes)
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