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Together Quotes

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I believe a time will come when an opportunity will be offered to abolish this lamentable evil. Everything we do is to improve it, if it happens in our day; if not, let us transmit to our descendants, together with our slaves, a pity for their unhappy lot and an abhorrence of slavery  (Together Quotes) Technology is driving us together. In many ways we are becoming like one family. With the global threats resulting from science and technology, the whole of humankind now needs protection. We have to extend our loyalty to the whole of the human race  (Together Quotes) You didn’t see me on television, you didn’t see news stories about me. The kind of role that I tried to play was to pick up pieces or put together pieces out of which I hoped organization might come. My theory is, strong people don’t need strong leaders  (Together Quotes) When autumn darkness falls, what we will remember are the small acts of kindness: a cake, a hug, an invitation to talk, and every single rose. These are all expressions of a nation coming together and caring about its people  (Together Quotes) If you have come to help me, you are wasting your time. But if you have come because your liberation is tied up with mine, then let us work together  (Together Quotes) We must act together, as a united people... For the birth of a new world. Let there be justice for all. Let there be peace for all. Let there be work, bread, water and salt for all  (Together Quotes) There is perhaps no surer road to peace than the one that starts from little islands and oases of genuine kindness, islands and oases constantly growing in number and being continually joined together until eventually they ring the world  (Together Quotes) Blue and green should never be seen together, but the person wearing this mix, will be of interest  (Together Quotes) Nobody is one block of harmony. We are all afraid of something, or feel limited in something. We all need somebody to talk to. It would be good if we talked to each other, not just pitter patter but real talk. We shouldn’t be afraid, because most people really like this contact; that you show you are vulnerable makes them free to be vulnerable too. It’s so much easier to be together when we drop our masks  (Together Quotes) Every mother and daughter should make time for a trip together. It’s good for the soul  (Together Quotes) We had two goals... One was to cherish every moment together, cherish the journey because the journey allows you to learn and grow. The other was to win a gold medal  (Together Quotes) Goals aren’t enough. You need goals plus deadlines: goals big enough to get excited about and deadline to make you run. One isn’t much good without the other, but together they can be tremendous  (Together Quotes) The team with the best athletes doesn’t usually win. It’s the team with the athletes who play best together  (Together Quotes) We got trapped in the limo during a thunderstorm on our way to the reception. The bride wanted to wait for the storm to pass before they went in. It was actually an awesome chance for the couple to have some quiet time together after their ceremony  (Together Quotes) Food was always a conduit in our family for storytelling, and it was a way for us to keep in touch and remember things. We’re people that use food to keep each other together and to always cheer us up and make all of our days better  (Together Quotes) The sciences have sworn among themselves an inviolable partnership; it is almost impossible to separate them, for they would rather suffer than be torn apart; and if anyone persists in doing so, he gets for his trouble only imperfect and confused fragments. Yet they do not arrive all together, but they hold each other by the hand so that they follow one another in a natural order which it is dangerous to change, because they refuse to enter in any other way where they are called  (Together Quotes) All life is linked together in such a way that no part of the chain is unimportant. Frequently, upon the action of some of these minute beings depends the material success or failure of a great commonwealth  (Together Quotes) Mysticism and exaggeration go together. A mystic must not fear ridicule if he is to push all the way to the limits of humility or the limits of delight  (Together Quotes) We can see the light at the end of the tunnel. We just need to keep battling. We’re a team that has stuck together through the good times and the bad times. Our reward is near  (Together Quotes) Diversity... is not casual liberal tolerance of anything not yourself. It is not polite accommodation. Instead, diversity is, in action, the sometimes painful awareness that other people, other races, other voices, other habits of mind have as much integrity of being, as much claim on the world as you do... And I urge you, amid all the differences present to the eye and mind, to reach out to create the bond that... will protect us all. We are all meant to be here together  (Together Quotes) We have to face the fact that either all of us are going to die together or we are going to learn to live together, and if we are to live together we have to talk  (Together Quotes) Running is ultimately a personal experience. It is a revival of the spirit, a private oasis for the thirsty mind. Yet, its healing power only increases in the presence of others. Run together and the oasis grows cooler and more satisfying  (Together Quotes) If one person dreams alone... It is only a dream. When many people dream together... It is the beginning of a new reality  (Together Quotes) There is something outrageous about such a huge body of evidence being put together, then being confirmed in all kinds of other scientific disciplines, particularly genetics, and having other people just sort of deny it for reasons that have nothing to do with truth  (Together Quotes) Sometimes, soulmates may meet, stay together until a task or life lesson is completed, and then move on. This is not a tragedy, only a matter of learning  (Together Quotes) Although wrongs have been done to me, I live in hopes. I have not got two hearts... Now we are together again to make peace. My shame is as big as the earth, although I will do what my friends have advised me to do. I once thought that I was the only man that persevered to be the friend of the white man, but since they have come and cleaned out our lodges, horses and everything else, it is hard for me to believe the white men any more  (Together Quotes) You may be more talented than me. You might be smarter than me. And you may be better looking than me. But if we get on a treadmill together, you are going to get off first or I am going to die. It’s really that simple. I’m not going to be overworked  (Together Quotes) I only knew classical music, which to me was the only true music. The only way I could survive at the bar was to mix the classical music with popular songs, and that meant I had to sing. What happened was that I discovered I had a voice plus the talent to mix classical music together with more popular songs, which at the time I detested  (Together Quotes) If we act together on the drug problem, with a comprehensive vision devoid of ideological or political biases, we will be able to prevent much harm and violence!  (Together Quotes) I’m pretty superstitious, I want to do everything right, get my routine right, and I wait for waves. I kinda try to sense the ocean coming together for me  (Together Quotes)
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