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I don’t promote boxing, I promote people. Boxing is a catalyst to bring people together  (Together Quotes) I just hope you have as much fun letting it spin as I did putting it together  (Together Quotes) I want to create a place where trans people and our allies could come together to share experiences, information and ideas. Being transgender or loving someone who is transgender can be challenging in our society and I hope that members of this site will also use this space as a place to support and encourage each other. Together, we can strengthen our community and open the hearts and minds of others  (Together Quotes) I love photography, I love food, and I love traveling, and to put those three things together would just be the ultimate dream  (Together Quotes) Architecture is art. I don’t think you should say that too much, but it is art. I mean, architecture is many, many things. Architecture is science, is technology, is geography, is typography, is anthropology, is sociology, is art, is history. You know all this comes together. Architecture is a kind of bouillabaisse, an incredible bouillabaisse. And, by the way, architecture is also a very polluted art in the sense that it’s polluted by life, and by the complexity of things  (Together Quotes) For me, juggling mommyhood and work is a challenge, but each day I learn little tricks to make it all come together  (Together Quotes) Over the years of courtship and being together, we realized that there was no value left for anything. People just want to know what we’re eating, which designer I’m wearing, who we’ve invited... Saif and I decided that we wanted to keep the purest part of our relationship sacred. We followed protocol by going out on to the terrace and waving at the media after officially registering the marriage, but they didn’t need to know more than that  (Together Quotes) Inside the first 20 to 25 games of the season, we were losing these games, getting beat by two and three points. Over the last 10 games, it seems like we’re starting to win these games and putting some good things together  (Together Quotes) Eva is a story of repetition. It is a story where our protagonist faces the same situation many times over and determinedly picks himself back up again. It is a story of the will to move forward, even if only a little. It is a story of the resolve to want to be together, even though it is frightening to have contact with others and endure ambiguous loneliness. I would be most gratified if you found enjoyment in these four parts as it takes the same story and metamorphoses it into something different  (Together Quotes) Today, the world can appear fragmented and its people disconnected, mosaics allow me to fuse the pieces together to create something cohesive and beautiful, what I wish the world could be  (Together Quotes) Acting has been the only thing so far that really gets me jazzed. It’s like my girlfriend in a lot of ways. We fight. We have a relationship, and she gets me up every morning. I’m inspired by it, and I want to one day be really good at it and see what we can do together  (Together Quotes) Whoever still can’t put one and one together about what happened in cycling is beyond my help  (Together Quotes) Don’t brush anything under the rug. Don’t point fingers or do the blame game. A team is a family, and we’re in this together  (Together Quotes) Our stories arise from our hearts and our souls. In this sense, telling our stories becomes a sacred gesture, opening a clear way to that deep, ecstatic center where we are most uniquely our selves, individual and unique, and yet are ourselves, joined together at the heart  (Together Quotes) What is important to my work is the individual picture. I photograph stories on assignment, and of course they have to be put together coherently. But what matters most is that each picture stands on its own, with its own place and feeling  (Together Quotes) And I swear, if there is a way for us to be together, I will find it. No matter how long it takes. If I have to chase your soul to the ends of eternity, I won’t stop until I find you, I promise  (Together Quotes) I am working on it but I don’t thinking having a good serve is the most important thing. It is about a lot of things coming together that makes you a good player  (Together Quotes) I don’t want... to run away by myself... because no matter what... I’d rather be together with everyone  (Together Quotes) If there is a simple, easy principle that binds everything I have done together, it is my interest in people and their relationship to things  (Together Quotes) Government is supposed to be about how we do things together, and we can do that much more together if we use technology smartly right now  (Together Quotes) Design is coming to grips with one’s real lifestyle, one’s real place in the world. Rooms should not be put together for show but to nourish one’s wellbeing  (Together Quotes) Happiness is doubled when you share them together and sadness is halved when you share them together  (Together Quotes) The ultimate aim of all artistic activity is building!... Architects, sculptors, painters, we must all get back to craft!... The artist is a heightened manifestation of the craftsman... Let us form... a new guild of craftsmen without the class divisions that set out to raise an arrogant barrier between craftsmen and artists!... Let us together create the new building of the future which will be all in one: architecture and sculpture and painting  (Together Quotes) I always had the fear of being separated and abandoned. The sewing is my attempt to keep things together and make things whole  (Together Quotes) Larry is like a son to me and we enjoy a most wonderful relationship, one with meaning, dignity, pride, understanding and purpose. But more importantly, one of mutual respect. Larry and I both pride ourselves on being men of our word and when we say we will be together for life it is not just convention but is said with feeling and commitment that comes from struggling together, growing together and being family  (Together Quotes) Seems like I’ve been here before, can’t remember when I get this funny feeling, we’ll be together again; No straight lines make up my life, all my roads have bends; No clearcut beginnings; so far, no dead ends  (Together Quotes) Camera and eye are together a time machine with which the mind and human being can do the same kind of violence to time and space as dreams  (Together Quotes) Behind every door on every ordinary street, in every hut in every ordinary village in this middling planet of a trivial star, such riches are to be found. The strange journeys we undertake on our earthly pilgrimage, the joy and suffering we taste or confer, the chance events that leave us together or apart, what a complex trace they leave: so personal as to be almost incommunicable, so fugitive as to be almost irrecoverable  (Together Quotes) It’s a real gift to have a husband and wife in the company that love each other and that work together. They check on each other emotionally and physically. That’s beautiful to me  (Together Quotes) Being the chief minister of a regional government is just a pastime compared with the hellish job of being prime minister of two different communities brought together  (Together Quotes)
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