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Literature is love. I think it went like this: drawings in the cave, sounds in the cave, songs in the cave, songs about us. Later, stories about us. Part of what we always did was have sex and fight about it and break each other’s hearts. I guess there’s other kinds of love too. Great friendships. Working together. But poetry and novels are lists of our devotions. We love the feel of making the marks as the feelings are rising and falling. Living in literature and love is the best thing there is. You’re always home  (Together Quotes) I still get angry when older people assume that everyone in my generation, screws around. They’re probably the same ones who think all kids use dope. It’s true that we are more open than our parents but that just means we accept sex and talk about it. It doesn’t mean we are all jumping into bed together  (Together Quotes) It’s just a combination of letters I liked. And when your whole art’s based on the lettering you choose, you kinda figure out what ones work together. I just liked the shapes of the k, a, w, s. It has no meaning  (Together Quotes) The first thing I did when I made a little bit of money as a singer was to buy myself an amber necklace. This is often the way we put together our lives, adding the striking qualities of others into our own character  (Together Quotes) Empathy is one of our highest human skills and holds families and societies together. Feeling connected to other people is probably the deepest satisfaction we will ever know. How terrible for children who are being brought up without that capacity  (Together Quotes) The more people come together, the more borders will be opened and people and opinions get together, the more unrenouncable tolerance will be a fundamental part of our social life. Without tolerance there is no religious liberty, no freedom of conscience and no freedom of thought  (Together Quotes) As individual fingers we can easily be broken, but all together we make a mighty fist  (Together Quotes) A beauty masked, like the sun in eclipse, gathers together more gazers than if it shined out  (Together Quotes) One of the things I appreciate more was how important struggle was as the instrument that helped to keep us knit together  (Together Quotes) Yes, metaphor. That’s how the whole fabric of mental interconnections holds together. Metaphor is right at the bottom of being alive  (Together Quotes) Companies are communities. Theres a spirit of working together. Communities are not a place where a few people allow themselves to be singled out as solely responsible for success  (Together Quotes) In death as in life, we stand together, always a family, always a team. The brotherhood never dies  (Together Quotes) We’re not unique. We’re quite volatile as individuals, but that doesn’t work exponentially when we are together. Relationships are about eating humble pie  (Together Quotes) Having always imagined myself in a fairly slim minority, I suddenly saw that I was in a vast company. Difference unites us. While each of these experiences can isolate those who are affected, together they compose an aggregate of millions whose struggles connect them profoundly. The exceptional is ubiquitous; to be entirely typical is the rare and lonely state  (Together Quotes) In the consciousness of belonging together, in the sense of constancy, resides the sanctity, the beauty of matrimony, which helps us to endure pain more easily, to enjoy happiness doubly, and to give rise to the fullest and finest development of our nature  (Together Quotes) Together we knew toil, joy and pain. My fervent wish is that the nine of us who were united in face of death should remain fraternally united through life  (Together Quotes) There is an old saying about the strength of the wolf is the pack, and I think there is a lot of truth to that. On a football team, it’s not the strength of the individual players, but it is the strength of the unit and how they all function together  (Together Quotes) History is not ended. It will sooner or later take up the threads apparently broken off forever and knit them together in a new pattern  (Together Quotes) In a game like this, the team that makes the least amount of mistakes prevails. We made a couple today. But it’s all about the brotherhood. We all go down together  (Together Quotes) The fundamentals of the game are the same wherever you go: pass, dribble, shoot, defend, rebound, screen, play hard and together  (Together Quotes) Music does not know the difference between people; it only speaks to their hearts. It is the only form of communication that can bring this terrible world together  (Together Quotes) It is easy to make a simple machine which will run toward the light or run away from it, and if such machines also contain lights of their own, a number of them together will show complicated forms of social behavior  (Together Quotes) Put together all the existing families and you have society. It is as simple as that. Whatever kind of training took place in the individual family will be reflected in the kind of society that these families create  (Together Quotes) What has been cut apart cannot be glued back together. Abandon all hope of totality, future as well as past, you who enter the world of fluid modernity  (Together Quotes) Consider that spiritual safety comes through spiritual unity. Christians united together are difficult to separate, difficult to break, difficult to pick off and destroy. It is when you isolate yourself by disrupting or denying unity that you are most at risk  (Together Quotes) Providence is like a curious piece of tapestry made of a thousand shreds, which, single, appear useless, but put together, they represent a beautiful history to the eye  (Together Quotes) People, like large groups of people are stupid. Individuals are smart and can deal with things and can make things last and work, but when people get together in big crowds they’re stupid. They turn into sheep, then you have major situations  (Together Quotes) I may film scenes I had no intention of filming; things suggest themselves on location, and we improvise. I try not to think about it too much. Then, in the cutting room, I take the film and start to put it together, and only then do I begin to get an idea of what it is about  (Together Quotes) It is life that does the thinking all around us, forming with playful ease the connections our reason can only laboriously patch together piecemeal, and never to such kaleidoscopic effect  (Together Quotes) So I put that all together and I find it makes it hard to justify a filibuster  (Together Quotes)
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