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The aim of philosophy, abstractly formulated, is to understand how things in the broadest possible sense of the term hang together in the broadest possible sense of the term  (Together Quotes) It is perfect to be imperfect, because perfection is made up of many imperfections put together that makes it perfect  (Together Quotes) A story can take you through a whole process of searching, seeking, confronting, through conflicts, and then to a resolution. As the storyteller and the listener, we go through a story together  (Together Quotes) One way to tell if you’re really comfortable with a person is if you can be quiet together sometimes and not feel awkward. If you don’t feel obligated to say something brilliant or funny or surprising or cool. You can just be together. You can just be  (Together Quotes) We need each other, deeper than anyone ever dares to admit even to themselves. I think it is a genetic imperative that we huddle together and hold on to each other. There is no question in my mind that there is nothing else in life, really, than friendship  (Together Quotes) We’re creatures of contact regardless of whether/ we kiss or we wound. Still, we must come together  (Together Quotes) We live in an extraordinary time. We are caught up in a pace of social and technological change that makes our work, our business and education, sources of anxiety and unfulfillment. Thinking about our thinking and observing our observations can bring us a new world in which work becomes a place for innovation, and in which peace, wisdom, friendship, companionship and community can exist. Let us design this world together  (Together Quotes) I have seldom seen much ostentation and much learning met together. The sun, rising and declining, makes long shadows; at mid day, when he is highest, none at all  (Together Quotes) Collage is more than just an art style. Collage is all about bringing different elements together. Once you form a sensibility about connection, how different elements relate to each other, you deepen your understanding of yourself and others  (Together Quotes) Recruiting is the lifeblood of any program, so you can’t put anything above that,... But it wouldn’t matter who you had here if you didn’t have the right mental attitude and work ethic. You need all those elements to come together to do something like we are doing  (Together Quotes) Colors close together on the color wheel are analogous and will make a calm room. Colors that are farther apart are complementary and add drama  (Together Quotes) Every friendship goes through ups and downs. Dysfunctional patterns set in; external situations cause internal friction; you grow apart and then bounce back together  (Together Quotes) What I’m attempting in each picture is nothing other than this... to bring together in a living and viable way, the most different and the most contradictory elements in the greatest possible freedom  (Together Quotes) I am an organization person, I believe in individuals banding together. I don’t believe in unilateral actions. Some people don’t like organizations. But it is always awesome to me when you can pool a lot of talent and a lot of people who have so many talents. That is when you really can make your program move  (Together Quotes) History... shows that even seemingly miraculous advances are in fact the result of many people taking small steps together over a long period of time  (Together Quotes) If there would be a recipe for a poem, these would be the ingredients: word sounds, rhythm, description, feeling, memory, rhyme, and imagination. They can be put together a thousand different ways, a thousand, thousand... more  (Together Quotes) Our family is a circle of strength and love... Our family with ever birth and every union the circle grows, our family is a circle of strength every crisis faced together makes the circle stronger  (Together Quotes) My family is full of musicians, and a couple of times a year we get together and jam at my cousin’s studio. We improvise and have a great time  (Together Quotes) Truth and love are two of the most powerful things in the world; and when they both go together they cannot easily be withstood  (Together Quotes) For me, the value of a climb is the sum of three inseparable elements, all equally important: aesthetics, history, and ethics. Together they form the whole basis of my concept of alpinism. Some people see no more in climbing mountains than an escape from the harsh realities of modern times. This is not only uninformed but unfair. I don’t deny that there can be an element of escapism in mountaineering, but this should never overshadow its real essence, which is not escape but victory over your own human frailty  (Together Quotes) We made a big mistake 300 years ago when we separated technology and humanism. It’s time to put the two back together  (Together Quotes) A dog does not live as long as a man and this natural law is the fount of many tears. If boy and puppy might grow to manhood and doghood together, and together grow old, and so in due course die, full many a heartache might be avoided. But the world is not so ordered, and dogs will die and men will weep for them so long as there are dogs and men  (Together Quotes) Romance is when after two people have gone through thick and thin together, and have confirmed to become a love that will never change no matter what happens  (Together Quotes) When the five of our voices come together, there is a special something there. That is something that I know  (Together Quotes) We found out that no matter how good you are you can’t go out there and compete against teams that have been together for quite some time  (Together Quotes) When body, breath, and mind work together in harmony to achieve a spiritual goal, that is yoga  (Together Quotes) What does open us is sharing our vulnerabilities. Sometimes we see a couple who has done this difficult work over a lifetime. In the process, they have grown old together. We can sense the enormous comfort, the shared quality of ease between these people. It is beautiful, and very rare. Without this quality of openness and vulnerability, partners don’t really know each other; they are one image living with another image  (Together Quotes) Jazz has the power to make men forget their differences and come together... Jazz is the personification of transforming overwhelmingly negative circumstances into freedom, friendship, hope, and dignity  (Together Quotes) In the pure mathematics we contemplate absolute truths which existed in the divine mind before the morning stars sang together, and which will continue to exist there when the last of their radiant host shall have fallen from heaven  (Together Quotes) I wish I could anticipate some of the stories and lies that will be told. It’s going to be great to get everyone together so we can tell all of the families, all of the wives and children, just how good we were because they never got to see us play  (Together Quotes)
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