Told Quotes

Text Quotes
My mom told me to follow my dreams, so I took a nap (Told Quotes)
I think there are many more stories still to be told about women (Told Quotes)
My dad has never once told me after a fight that I did well (Told Quotes)
I’ve been told I have an aggressive driving style (Told Quotes)
I’ve never told you the story of Alice in Wonderland, have I? (Told Quotes)
The ‘believe’ tattoo is because my mom always told me to believe (Told Quotes)
My mother always told me it wasn’t polite to ask what people make (Told Quotes)
How many times have I told you, don’t get caught by the bad guys! (Told Quotes)
I have been told that beauty is the great seducer of men (Told Quotes)
We are oftener deceived by being told some truth than no truth (Told Quotes)
Knowing the future is different from being told what I like (Told Quotes)
An honest tale speeds best being plainly told (Told Quotes)
I’m that weird guy; I hate being told what to do (Told Quotes)
If I told you I’m trying to save the world, would you believe me? (Told Quotes)
You story must be best told by you. Your experience is a sacred life. (Told Quotes)
I was told once by some country people that a magician should never tell his dreams because the telling will make them come true. But I say that is great nonsense (Told Quotes)
In short they felt that they should like to have the pleasure of looking at Lady Pole again, and so they told Sir Walter - rather than asked him - that he missed his wife. He replied that he did not. But this was not allowed to be possible; it was well known that newly married gentlemen were never happy apart from their wives; the briefest of absences could depress a new husband's spirits and interfere with his digestion (Told Quotes)
Most people are brought up to believe they are as good as the person next to them, I was told I was better (Told Quotes)
We have been trying to apply machine-age methods to our relations with God. We read our chapter, have our short devotions and rush away, hoping to make up for our deep inward bankruptcy by attending another gospel meeting or listening to another thrilling story told by a religious adventurer lately returned from afar (Told Quotes)
I had once remarked to Feely that, because of the oxygen, breathing fresh air was like breathing God, but she had slapped my face and told me I was being blasphemous (Told Quotes)
My doctor told me to stop having intimate dinners for four. Unless there are three other people (Told Quotes)
After Bill got his shot, a little color crept into his face and he would become almost coy. It was a gruesome sight. I remember once he told me how he'd been propositioned by a queer who offered him twenty dollars. Bill declined, saying "I don't think you would be very well satisfied. "Bill twitched his fleshless hips. "You should see me in the nude," he said. "I'm really cute." (Told Quotes)
"Tell them we may not be praying with them, " Father told the Vicar, "but we are at least not actively praying against them." (Told Quotes)
When I started on Disneyland, my wife used to say, but why do you want to build an amusement park? they're so dirty. I told her that was just the point - mine wouldn't be (Told Quotes)
Everyone doesn't have to do everything, " she told me. "People forget you can also express yourself by what you choose to admire and support. I've had so much pleasure from beautiful and challenging things created by other people, things I could never make or do. I wouldn't trade that for anything (Told Quotes)
Wars produce many stories of fiction, some of which are told until they are believed to be true (Told Quotes)
The liar looks up toward it, hoping against hope that the voices in his head have told him the truth (Told Quotes)
When the wind is right and the cloud is gone, you can see down this road as far as Darjeeling, " I told her. "But it is a long and difficult road, full of perils, and if a traveller on foot were to look at the length of it, his spirit would be overcome and he would sit down and refuse to go any further. You must not look to the end of the road, Portia. Look only to the step in front of you. That you can do. Just one step. And you will not make the journey alone (Told Quotes)
I'd grab the camera and tell people what to do, and when I was 14, someone told me that it was called directing (Told Quotes)
Then, just at the peak of complacency, when it was assumed that the climate of the world had changed forever, when the conductor of the philharmonic played Vivaldi's Four Seasons and left out an entire movement, and when to children of a young age stories of winter were told as if they were fairy tales, New York was hit by a cataclysmic freeze, and, once again, people huddled together to talk fearfully of the millennium (Told Quotes)