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I knelt, and with the fervor of a lip unused to the cool breath of reason, told my love  (Told Quotes) Dictatorship is a constant lecture instructing you that your feelings, your thoughts and desires are of no account, that you are a nobody and must live as you are told by other people who desire and think for you  (Told Quotes) It’s possible that you have been told a time or 10 that you don’t appreciate how tough your elders had it. It’s true that, if you had been coming of age back in, say, 1960, you would probably be feeling more restricted, if only because you were doomed to spend your days in a skirt, nylon stockings and girdle  (Told Quotes) Someone once told me that religion is like a knife: You can stab someone with it, or you can slice bread with it  (Told Quotes) I’ve always related music to those moments when someone turns you loose on something and they haven’t told you how to do it  (Told Quotes) I mean, I never liked being told what to do. It’s one of the reasons I dropped out of school  (Told Quotes) I’m just looking for the best story being told by the best people and the best part that I can find. If those things add up, I want to be a part of it whether it’s a studio film or, more likely in that instance, an independent film  (Told Quotes) I married him because he told me it was the only way he could protect me. If we were just manager and client, my family could do whatever they wanted to get me back, but if I was his wife, they couldn’t  (Told Quotes) J has told me about his past. I know what happened and why. But he is the one person who made me believe in my talent and whatever happened in the past, he’s been a wonderful manager to me  (Told Quotes) Like every girl, I felt amazing pressure to look like the popular girls, but no one told me the popular girls were all air brushed in magazines  (Told Quotes) As I told the students every time I visited a campus, you are the director of your own movie, and if you aren’t enjoying what you are doing, change it  (Told Quotes) You always get told how important the premiere and doing the press is, but I have suspicions  (Told Quotes) I’ve always had a burning desire to help people and make a difference in the world. I didn’t know how I could do that in modelling when it can be such a fake world. But my dad told me I could make a difference by being true to myself and teaching people what I’ve learnt about spirituality, health and nutrition  (Told Quotes) I bounce my knees, but I do not have restless leg syndrome. I did an interview, I don’t even know who it was with, and they said I told them I have restless leg syndrome and it distracts me from my work. I do not have any syndrome  (Told Quotes) Style applies to a lifestyle. It’s not about being told this is trendy, you must do it. Now people have more access than ever before  (Told Quotes) A grown man should always carry cash, right? I don’t know who told me, but someone told me that a long time ago, and the biggest turnoff is when a guy doesn’t have cash on him  (Told Quotes) For me, I never ever felt the ownership or any identity with any community of disabilities. I didn’t grow up being told that I was a disabled child  (Told Quotes) I’ve been told to speed up my delivery when I perform. But if I lose the stammer, I’m just another slightly amusing accountant  (Told Quotes) My dad’s great. He’s my biggest supporter. He’s always told me that whatever I choose to do, I can do it. I just gotta put my mind to it  (Told Quotes) I’ve never particularly liked travelling with large groups or being told where to go by somebody else. I prefer to find out for myself  (Told Quotes) And it’s a human need to be told stories. The more we’re governed by idiots and have no control over our destinies, the more we need to tell stories to each other about who we are, why we are, where we come from, and what might be possible  (Told Quotes) My father always told me, you can only be your own best. In other words, if you feel you’ve done your best, you’ve done well enough  (Told Quotes) I think almost every political leader is always told that the next speech they make is the most crucial one  (Told Quotes) Truth be told, I’m much more comfortable in a pair of hiking boots or with a rack of climbing gear than in front of a laptop  (Told Quotes) The biggest thing, and what I told some of the partners in the summit, was me thanking them for their constant support with everything that I’ve been through the last couple years on and off the court  (Told Quotes) Crazy as it sounds, I’m a believer in destiny and serendipity, and I have had cosmic experiences all my life. Something told me I was meant for greater stuff. And look, I’ve had a baby! And I’ve written an opera!  (Told Quotes) I was told by my grandfather who was a minister that we all were put here on earth to be of service to one another, and it is quite gratifying to know that if I am able to be of help to one that is not able to help themselves then I am fulfilling my obligation as a human being  (Told Quotes) We delude ourselves into believing that morality comes from somewhere else, whereas in reality we behave as we’ve been told to behave  (Told Quotes) Oral storytelling goes back so long ago, and those stories that were told orally were always layered and changed with time  (Told Quotes) She should have done science, not spent all her time with her head in novels. Novels gave you a completely false idea about life, they told lies and they implied there were endings when in reality there were no endings, everything just went on and on and on  (Told Quotes)
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