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... they told me of color, that it was an illusion of the eye, an event in the perceiver’s mind, not in the object; they told me that color had no reality; indeed, they told me that color did not inhere in a physical body any more than pain was in a needle. And then they imprisoned me in darkness; and though there was no color there, I still was black, and they still were white; and for that, they bound and gagged me  (Told Quotes) Crazy isn’t being broken or swallowing a dark secret. It’s you or me amplified. If you ever told a lie and enjoyed it. If you ever wished you could be a child forever  (Told Quotes) The single best thing about coming out of the closet is that nobody can insult you by telling you what you’ve just told them  (Told Quotes) ... You don’t always get what you expect. I wish someone, sometime when I was growing up, would have told me what expectations would get me... Our parents, schools, everyone tells us things will be a certain way when we’re adults and if they’re not that way, we should make them be; or at least pretend. But after a certain point that just doesn’t work  (Told Quotes) He said that in a way being loved is like being told you never have to die  (Told Quotes) We’re told that men are strong and brave, but I think women know how to endure, accept defeat and bear physical and mental agony much better than men  (Told Quotes) He wiped away the tears, tenderly, and I forgot to weep as he told me silently everything I always wanted to hear  (Told Quotes) ... I know all about myself now, I know. You’ve told me so often. You haven’t left me one rag of illusion to clothe myself in  (Told Quotes) Memory is the only thing that binds you to earlier selves; for the rest, you become an entirely different being every decade or so, sloughing off the old persona, renewing and moving on. You are not who you were, he told her, nor who you will be  (Told Quotes) I told myself that some families we get without asking, while others we choose. And I chose those two. I think that’s what you’d call a silver lining  (Told Quotes) Something can only become an illusion after disillusionment. before that, it is something real. what caused the disillusionment? no one told me the print on the wall was just ink and paper and had no life of its own. at some point the cat stopped blinking, and I stopped thinking it could  (Told Quotes) She had told him that she loved him. He had known that, but hearing it in the traditional phrase had affected him in new and blinding ways. Ways that made him believe that he could do anything. Anything she needed or wanted him to do. Because her loving him meant so much more than him loving her  (Told Quotes) Two daiquiris withdrew into a corner of a gorgeous room and one told the other a lie  (Told Quotes) If I told you the whole story it would never end... What’s happened to me has happened to a thousand woman  (Told Quotes) We are to be brought through the fire, not left in it. and you know what? to anyone that ever told you that you’re no good... they’re no better  (Told Quotes) He hadn’t told me everything, but I’d left him for dead. I guess we were just about even  (Told Quotes) At the age of twelve I had an attitude toward life that was to endure, that was to make me seek those areas of living that would keep it alive, that was to make me skeptical of everything while seeking everything, tolerant of all and yet critical. The spirit I had caught gave me insight into the suffering of others, made me gravitate toward those whose feelings were like my own, made me sit for hours while others told me of their lives, made me strangely tender and cruel, violent and peaceful  (Told Quotes) A farmer once told me one of the greatest luxuries of his life was to wake up early only to go back to sleep again  (Told Quotes) We told him to get on with it. We liked wasting time, but almost nothing was more annoying than having our wasted time wasted on something not worth wasting it on  (Told Quotes) Most people were raised to believe they are just as good as the next person. I was always told I was better  (Told Quotes) I’ve always found that one of the biggest benefits of being a girl is that most people refuse to take you seriously. While boys must be constantly monitored and are always the first suspects when anything goes wrong, everyone expects girls to do what they’re told. It may seem a little insulting at first, but low expectations can be a blessing in disuise. If you’re smart, you can use people’s foolishness to your own advantage. It’s amazing what you can get away with when no one bothers watching  (Told Quotes) Josh had told me a long time ago that he had this theory that an entire relationship was based on what occurred over the course of the first five minutes you know each other. That everything that came after those first minutes was just details being filled in. Meaning: you already knew how deep the love was, how instinctually you felt about someone. What happened in their first five minutes? Time stopped  (Told Quotes) I love you. I’m blind for you, wild for you. Sick with you. I told you that our first night together when I asked you to marry me, I am telling you now. Everything that’s happened to us, everything, is because I crossed the street for you. I worship you. You know that through and through  (Told Quotes) You look like a handsome young man…although you might want to zip your fly. Mom! What? Should I have not told you and left it for everyone else to notice at the dance?  (Told Quotes) Mr. Watras asked me whether I was practicing, and I told him I was practicing my tissue basketball skills  (Told Quotes) Sometimes friends do foolish things. My father told me that true friends are like gold coins. Ships are wrecked by storms and lie for hundreds of years on the ocean floor. Worms destroy the wood. Iron corrodes. Silver turns black but gold doesn’t change in sea water. It loses none of its brilliance or colour. It comes up the same. It survives shipwrecks and time  (Told Quotes) Now I’m told this is life, and pain’s just a simple compromise  (Told Quotes) Some friends of theirs had rented their house for several months to an interior decorator. When they returned, they discovered that their entire library had been reorganized by color and size. Shortly thereafter, the decorator met with a fatal automobile accident. I confess that when this story was told, everyone around the dinner table concurred that justice had been served  (Told Quotes) Time has told me not to ask for more, someday our ocean will find its shore  (Told Quotes) Everybody is a story. When I was a child, people sat around kitchen tables and told their stories. We don’t do that so much anymore. Sitting around the table telling stories is not just a way of passing time. It is the way the wisdom gets passed along. The stuff that helps us to live a life worth remembering  (Told Quotes)
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