Tom Hodgkinson Quotes

Text Quotes
The phrase ‘work/life balance’ encapsulates a depressing outlook (Tom Hodgkinson Quotes)
Faffing is completely harmless, whereas its opposite - dynamic, purposeful activity - is often very harmful. Faffers do not tend to kill people or make them work 12-hour days or sell them shoddy merchandise or lend them vast sums of money that they cannot pay back (Tom Hodgkinson Quotes)
If we are to make life into a pleasure rather than a struggle, then I would suggest that we have to start with our own mental attitudes. (Tom Hodgkinson Quotes)
Now I’m no biologist, but it seems to make a lot of sense that slow lives, as well as being enjoyable, are long lives. One only has to think of the example of the tortoise for proof of this theory from the animal world. (Tom Hodgkinson Quotes)
When we are busy at work and busy at home, an hour’s walking every day becomes a real luxury. If done alone, the walk injects a period of meditation into the day, and if done in company, it allows space for some really good conversation. (Tom Hodgkinson Quotes)
We think we have to work because the advertising industry has elevated wants into needs. The newspapers and the television batter us incessantly with the latest ‘must-haves’, whether that’s shoes, videogames or patio heaters. As a result, mums think they ‘have’ to work at Tesco in order to buy expensive trainers (Tom Hodgkinson Quotes)
These days we seem more bound to our bosses than ever before. We even identify our own selves with the jobs we do: ‘What do you do?’ is the first question we ask each other at parties, as if a job title could express a fundamental truth about our personality (Tom Hodgkinson Quotes)
The siesta provides a delightful detour from the working day and it also has a practical value as far as productivity is concerned. Winston Churchill had a good long siesta every day during the Second World War, and he said it was the thing that enabled him to cope with the pressure (Tom Hodgkinson Quotes)
It takes a while to master the art of hammock-lounging. At first I could only manage five minutes or so before I thought I ought to get out and go and help a child learn how to swim or something. But after observing the Mexicans’ capability for staring into space for hours on end, I decided to put in some proper practice (Tom Hodgkinson Quotes)
I’ve given up email. Well, almost. At the weekend I set up one of those auto-reply messages, informing my correspondents that I would no longer be checking my emails, and that instead they might like to call or write, as we used to in the olden days (Tom Hodgkinson Quotes)
I could happily lean on a gate all the livelong day, chatting to passers-by about the wind and the rain. I do a lot of gate-leaning while I am supposed to be gardening; instead of hoeing, I lean on the gate, stare at the vegetable beds and ponder (Tom Hodgkinson Quotes)
On bikeback, there is a delightful sense of self-direction and autonomy. Lately, I have taken to cycling slowly, more fun than the fast, competitive commuter cycling I used to do. No longer do I jump lights or attempt that irritating wobbling thing that semi-professional cyclists like to indulge in. (Tom Hodgkinson Quotes)
Bosses should sanction the nap rather than expect workers to power on all day without repose. They might even find that workers’ happiness - or what management types refer to as ‘employee satisfaction results’ - might improve (Tom Hodgkinson Quotes)
Alongside my ‘no email’ policy, I resolve to make better use of the wonderful Royal Mail, and send letters and postcards to people. There is a huge pleasure in writing a letter, putting it in an envelope and sticking the stamp on it. And huge pleasure in receiving real letters, too (Tom Hodgkinson Quotes)
To me there is no more depressing sight than a five-year-old staring at a screen, unsmiling, mouse in hand. Besides whatever dreadful things this prolonged exposure to screens is doing to their brains, computer games tend to be solitary affairs, and produce little laughter (Tom Hodgkinson Quotes)
Facebook is not ideologically neutral. In fact, it emerges from a very particular world view which we can trace back to Hobbes. I discovered this by examining the profile of Zuckerberg’s fellow board members who, unlike him, are a very interesting bunch and, I suspect, the real power behind the poster boy (Tom Hodgkinson Quotes)
The terrible thing about the Internet and Amazon is that they take the magic and happy chaos out of book shopping. The Internet might give you what you want, but it won’t give you what you need (Tom Hodgkinson Quotes)
What is required as we travel towards full unemployment is not new legislation but a gradual change of mental attitude, a shift in values. As our taste for idling grows, we will refuse to work for old-fashioned bosses who demand a five-day, 40-hour, nine-to-five type week, or worse (Tom Hodgkinson Quotes)
There’s nothing new about anti-work philosophy. History is dotted with individuals and groups who decided that laziness was next to godliness and work was a waste of time (Tom Hodgkinson Quotes)
In both word and deed, one of the greatest idlers of all time was John Lennon. In his songs we see repeated defences of simply lying around doing nothing (Tom Hodgkinson Quotes)
One aspect of fast London life I have never understood, for example, is the custom of the gym. Why do people go to gyms? (Tom Hodgkinson Quotes)
Am I the only person in the world who is shocked and amazed at the ongoing flattery of uebergeek Mark Zuckerberg (Tom Hodgkinson Quotes)
I’ve found that there isn’t any correlation whatsoever between the hours put in and the quality of what comes out. Most of the Beatles’ songs probably originated in about five minutes. (Tom Hodgkinson Quotes)
It’s pretty obvious that Western lifestyles which rely on gigantic amounts of electricity use up far more resources than a subsistence-based life. A little more poverty would be a good thing. (Tom Hodgkinson Quotes)
The world’s richest half billion people - that’s about seven per cent of the global population - are responsible for fifty per cent of the world’s emissions. (Tom Hodgkinson Quotes)
Once you explore life outside of work, it becomes addictive. The less you work, the less you want to work. At first, the odd afternoon off seems like a fantastic luxury. Before long, you are opting for a four-day week. Then a four-day week becomes an intolerable demand on your time, so you find a way of moving to a three-day week. (Tom Hodgkinson Quotes)
Festivals are fun for kids, fun for parents and offer a welcome break from the stresses of the nuclear family. The sheer quantities of people make life easier: loads of adults for the adults to talk to and loads of kids for the kids to play with. (Tom Hodgkinson Quotes)
All poets are idlers, even if all idlers are not poets (Tom Hodgkinson Quotes)
I’ve often said that far more sensible than a ‘make poverty history’ campaign would be a ‘make wealth history’ campaign. It is, after all, the wealthy people who do all the damage. The less money you earn, the fewer resources you use up. (Tom Hodgkinson Quotes)
We have an idea that if something we’re doing isn’t actually earning money, or spending it, then it’s completely worthless. But if you start to work less, you can actually start to give more to society, but on a local level. (Tom Hodgkinson Quotes)