Tom Perrotta Quotes
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Text Quotes
What a beautiful bird, they kept telling one another, which was a weird thing to say about a dead thing without a head (Tom Perrotta Quotes)
Once you'd broken through that invisible barrier that separates one person from another, you were connected forever, whether you liked it or not (Tom Perrotta Quotes)
It had expanded in a nice, welcoming way, becoming ever rounder and softer without losing its essential shapeliness (Tom Perrotta Quotes)
Maybe that's what we look for in the people we love, the spark of unhappiness we think we know how to extinguish (Tom Perrotta Quotes)
No, it's just like when you're dead and you try to remember being alive, it'll be like thinking of winter on the hottest day of the year. You'll know it's true, but you won't really believe it (Tom Perrotta Quotes)
If anything, he seemed a little lonely, all too ready to open his heart at the slightest sign of interest (Tom Perrotta Quotes)
The thing was to wear a bathing suit and look good in it, to somehow make yourself worthy of the scenario you were volunteering for (Tom Perrotta Quotes)
It felt good, the whole family together on a sunny morning in a wholesome environment. If it hadn't been for the warshiping God part, he would have happily attended church on a regular basis (Tom Perrotta Quotes)
Because, really, what was worse than lying wide awake in the dark, watching your life drip away, one irreplaceable minute after another? (Tom Perrotta Quotes)
When your words are futile, you're better off keeping them to yourself, or never even thinking them in the first place (Tom Perrotta Quotes)
As if adult males were completely self-sufficient beings, as if a penis and a five o'clock shadow were all they would ever need to get by (Tom Perrotta Quotes)
In the far corner of the yard, two squirrels raced up a tree trunk, their little feet scrabbling frantically on the bark. He couldn't tell if they were having a good time or trying to kill each other (Tom Perrotta Quotes)
That's why we get involved with other people, right? Not just for their bodies, but for everything else, too - their dreams and their scars and their stories (Tom Perrotta Quotes)
Memory has a way of distorting the past, of making certain events seem larger and more significant in retrospect than they ever could have been at the time they occurred (Tom Perrotta Quotes)
From a distance, it makes perfect sense that the people and the things you think will save you are the very ones that have the power to disappoint you most bitterly, but up close it can hit you as a bewildering surprise (Tom Perrotta Quotes)
Ever since the development of the spine, the individual had become paramount, the group disregarded. Ghiselle was only following the downhill path of her species (Tom Perrotta Quotes)
It was a good day for a parade, sunny and unseasonably warm, the sky a Sunday school cartoon of heaven (Tom Perrotta Quotes)
They were good listeners, worldly yet easily shocked, hungry for details, curious and nonjudgmental at the same time, always happy to give advice, but only if it was requested (Tom Perrotta Quotes)
She wasn't a tragic widow, after all, just another woman betrayed by a selfish man. It was a smaller, more familiar role, and a lot easier to play (Tom Perrotta Quotes)
He made me think of all the books I hadn't read, and all the ones I'd read but hadn't fully understood (Tom Perrotta Quotes)
Except for a small strip of shin that poked out from between the top of his socks and the bottom of his pants, his legs were purely theoretical (Tom Perrotta Quotes)
Apparently even the most awful tragedies, and the people they'd ruined, got a little stale after a while (Tom Perrotta Quotes)
It just took some people a little longer than others to realize how few words they needed to get by, how much of life they could negotiate in silence (Tom Perrotta Quotes)
Things change all the time - abruptly, unpredictably, and often for no good reason. But knowing that didn't do you that much good, apparently (Tom Perrotta Quotes)
Kissing her just then felt perfectly normal and completely self-explanatory, the only possible course of action (Tom Perrotta Quotes)
Something that had possibly caused the distance between us, but might also bring us back together (Tom Perrotta Quotes)
On reflection, though, it struck her as dishonest, like serving people ice cream on their first night at the fat farm. Hey, have some more hot fudge! You're gonna love it here at Camp Lose a Lot! (Tom Perrotta Quotes)
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