Tom Rath Quotes

Text Quotes
I act as if my life depends on each decision. Because it does. (Tom Rath Quotes)
You need a lot of effort and talent to produce greatness (Tom Rath Quotes)
Make work a purpose, not just a place (Tom Rath Quotes)
The key to human development is building on who you already are (Tom Rath Quotes)
There’s a conventional wisdom that says that strategic thinking is much more important than relationship building, which doesn’t seem to be nearly as highly valued as it should be, based on what some of the leaders that I’ve spoken with have said to me. (Tom Rath Quotes)
Washington is not a city that takes great pride in being a healthy place, necessarily. Now, I have no data. That’s just my own observation. (Tom Rath Quotes)
Ignoring negative things that need to be changed is destructive and does nothing to alleviate negativity. Instead, we should focus on the way we’re treating other people in our brief interactions with them. (Tom Rath Quotes)
Wanting a more positive environment isn’t enough. You need to do something, and it doesn’t require a great deal of effort or some huge change in the way you approach things at work. (Tom Rath Quotes)
I’m a researcher, so I’m realistic that there’s nothing I’m doing that’s going to prevent me from getting cancer in the future. But I can slow it down. (Tom Rath Quotes)
Our relationships with people are formed by small moments - and relationships are crucial in business. (Tom Rath Quotes)
When your boss and colleagues care enough to invest in your health, it is good for you and the business. (Tom Rath Quotes)
Talent (a natural way of thinking, feeling, or behaving) ÃÂ- Investment (time spent practicing, developing your skills, and building your knowledge base) = Strength (the ability to consistently provide near-perfect performance) (Tom Rath Quotes)
We don’t have any measures in most cases of the health of our social relationships, of what we’re giving to the community. (Tom Rath Quotes)
The real energy occurs in each connection between two people, which can bring about exponential returns. (Tom Rath Quotes)
On average, spending time with your boss is consistently rated as the least pleasurable activity in a given day. (Tom Rath Quotes)
Make it easier to do things that increase your wellbeing before you have to make a choice because a lot of our choices, though they seem small in the moment, have a big effect. (Tom Rath Quotes)
Positive defaults protect you from yourself - and that helps you to make decisions in the moment that are better for your long-term interests. (Tom Rath Quotes)
Regardless of your age, you can make better choices in the moment. Small decisions - about how you eat, move, and sleep each day - count more than you think. As I have learned from personal experience, these choices shape your life. (Tom Rath Quotes)
Executives must place a priority on wellbeing if they want to attract the right people, keep their best people, and drive their company’s financial performance. (Tom Rath Quotes)
People who say they have a best friend at work are seven times as likely to be engaged in what they’re doing. And if they don’t have a best friend at work, the odds of being engaged are just 1 in 12. (Tom Rath Quotes)
I’ve seen so many people - loved ones and colleagues - who jump from one diet to the next, one exercise regimen to the next . I was trying to figure out what were some of the basic things that each of us can build into a lifestyle for good, instead of bouncing from one thing to the next. (Tom Rath Quotes)
People with high levels of wellbeing have been careful to work out early in the morning and not to have heavy meals throughout the day because you kind of fall off a cliff in terms of your energy by 2 or 3:00 if you have a lunch with a lot of heavy foods. (Tom Rath Quotes)
The right choices over time greatly improve your odds of a long and healthy life (Tom Rath Quotes)
I’ve spoken with a few employers who have moved away from what has to be some of the least attractive language you could use about health risk to start talking about wellbeing. (Tom Rath Quotes)
No matter how healthy you are today, you can take specific actions to have more energy and live longer. (Tom Rath Quotes)
When top scientists and psychologists talk about what’s important to our overall wellbeing and how satisfied we are with our lives, the only thing that they all agree on is that social relationships are probably the single best predictor of our overall happiness. (Tom Rath Quotes)
What great leaders have in common is that each truly knows his or her strengths - and can call on the right strength at the right time. (Tom Rath Quotes)
When I speak with people who love their jobs and have vital friendships at work, they always talk about how their workgroup is like a family. (Tom Rath Quotes)
Employees who report receiving recognition and praise within the last seven days show increased productivity, get higher scores from customers, and have better safety records. They’re just more engaged at work. (Tom Rath Quotes)
I’ve seen people be effective, even among local teams, by offering something that improves wellbeing in a small way - people who get passionate about smart investment strategies and managing finances for retirement, for example. (Tom Rath Quotes)