Tom Rath Quotes

Text Quotes
If you spend your life trying to be good at everything, you will never be great at anything (Tom Rath Quotes)
If you want people to understand that you value their contributions and that they are important, the recognition and praise you provide must have meaning that is specific to each individual (Tom Rath Quotes)
From the cradle to the cubicle, we devote more time to our shortcomings than to our strengths (Tom Rath Quotes)
At its fundamentally flawed core, the aim of almost any learning program is to help us become who we are not (Tom Rath Quotes)
Don’t worry about breaks every 20 minutes ruining your focus on a task. Contrary to what I might have guessed, taking regular breaks from mental tasks actually improves your creativity and productivity. Skipping breaks, on the other hand, leads to stress and fatigue (Tom Rath Quotes)
Making better choices takes work. There is a daily give and take, but it is worth the effort (Tom Rath Quotes)
Exercise is not enough. Working out three times a week is not enough. Being active throughout the day is what keeps you healthy (Tom Rath Quotes)
The vast knowledge we have to prevent cancer, heart disease, and other chronic illnesses is staggering (Tom Rath Quotes)
Far too many people spend a lifetime headed in the wrong direction. They go not only from the cradle to the cubicle, but then to the casket, without uncovering their greatest talents and potential (Tom Rath Quotes)
There will be plenty of blame to go around but if you take credit for the sunshine, you also get blamed for the rain (Tom Rath Quotes)
Employees who report receiving recognition and praise within the last seven days show increased productivity, get higher scores from customers, and have better safety records. They’re just more engaged at work (Tom Rath Quotes)
Followers have a very clear picture of what they want and need from the most influential leaders in their lives: trust, compassion, stability, and hope (Tom Rath Quotes)
Every day, I read about new ideas and research that could help someone I care about live a longer and healthier life (Tom Rath Quotes)
If you want to improve your life and the lives of those around you, you must take action (Tom Rath Quotes)