Tom Robbins Quotes

Text Quotes
I’m probably more interested in sentences than anything else in life (Tom Robbins Quotes)
Words on a page can hypnotize you if the rhythm is right (Tom Robbins Quotes)
The beet is the most intense of vegetables (Tom Robbins Quotes)
Success can eliminate as many options as failure (Tom Robbins Quotes)
A better world has gotta start somewhere. Why not with you and me? (Tom Robbins Quotes)
A person can’t make a career out of somebody else’s invective (Tom Robbins Quotes)
I work with pen and paper. That’s my favorite way to write. I love the way the ink sinks into the wood, soaks into the wood pulp. There’s something about that process that’s so organic (Tom Robbins Quotes)
First I think I was interested in the stories, and later on, I became more interested in the language itself, so the stories became almost secondary, but it was kind of a background music for my life (Tom Robbins Quotes)
I never outline. I don’t work from an outline. I have no idea where the book is going. I mean, even two-thirds of the way through, I don’t know how it’s going to end (Tom Robbins Quotes)
The man and woman firmly shook hands. The solution to the overpopulation problem might rest in such handshakes (Tom Robbins Quotes)
If the novelist isn’t surprised by where his book ends up, he or she probably hasn’t written anything worth remembering (Tom Robbins Quotes)
Maybe most people were fundamentally contradictory. The real people at any rate (Tom Robbins Quotes)
There’re many ways, my dear, to victimize people. The most insidious way is to persuade them that they’re victims (Tom Robbins Quotes)
Something has got to hold it together. I’m saying my prayers to Elmer, the Greek God of glue (Tom Robbins Quotes)
The Middle Ages hangs over history’s belt like a beer belly. It is too late now for aerobic dancing or cottage cheese lunches to reduce the Middle Ages. History will have to wear size 48 shorts forever (Tom Robbins Quotes)
Zippers are primal and modern at the very same time. On the one hand, your zipper is primitive and reptilian, on the other, mechanical and slick. A zipper is where the Industrial Revolution meets the Cobra Cult (Tom Robbins Quotes)
Are you aware that rushing toward a goal is a sublimated death wish? It’s no coincidence we call them ‘deadlines (Tom Robbins Quotes)
And what would our ideas of God, of religion, be like if they had come to us through the minds of women? Ever think of that? (Tom Robbins Quotes)
The bottom line is that (a) people are never perfect, but love can be, (b) that is the one and only way that the mediocre and the vile can be transformed, and (c) doing that makes it that. Loving makes love. Loving makes itself. We waste time looking for the perfect lover instead of creating the perfect love. Wouldn’t that be the way to make love stay? (Tom Robbins Quotes)
My paintings are very strange - large and empty, like walls. Just the opposite of my writing, which is rich and juicy (Tom Robbins Quotes)
The trouble with the fast lane is that all the movement is horizontal. And I like to go vertical sometimes (Tom Robbins Quotes)
A lot of my work comes from what in Asia is called the ‘mind of wonder.’ There is not a lot of ‘mind of wonder’ writing in contemporary Western literature. I think that’s what appeals to the readers who are my fans (Tom Robbins Quotes)
The brutal truth is, we’re scarcely ‘educating’ children at all. Even if you overlook the guilt, fear, bigotry, and dangerous anti-intellectual flapdoodle being funneled into young brains by schools on the religious right, what we’re doing is training kids to be cogs in the wheels of commerce (Tom Robbins Quotes)
The harsh truth is, most red-haired men look like blondes who’ve spoiled from lack of refrigeration. They look like brown-haired men who’ve been composted out behind the barn. Yet that same pigmentation that on a man can resemble leaf mold or junkyard rust, a woman wears like a tiara of rubies (Tom Robbins Quotes)
The one thing emphasized in any creative writing course is ‘write what you know,’ and that automatically drives a wooden stake through the heart of imagination. If they really understood the mysterious process of creating fiction, they would say, ‘You can write about anything you can imagine.’ (Tom Robbins Quotes)
What bothers most critics of my work is the goofiness. One reviewer said I need to make up my mind if want to be funny or serious. My response is that I will make up my mind when God does, because life is a commingling of the sacred and the profane, good and evil. To try and separate them is fallacy (Tom Robbins Quotes)
The unhappy person resents it when you try to cheer him up, because that means he has to stop dwelling on himself and start paying attention to the universe. Unhappiness is the ultimate form of self-indulgence. When you’re unhappy, you get to pay a lot of attention to yourself. You get to take yourself oh so very seriously (Tom Robbins Quotes)
The price of self-destiny is never cheap, and in certain situations it is unthinkable. But to achieve the marvelous, it is precisely the unthinkable that must be thought (Tom Robbins Quotes)
You’ve heard of people calling in sick. You may have called in sick a few times yourself. But have you ever thought about calling in well (Tom Robbins Quotes)
It was autumn, the springtime of death. Rain spattered the rotting leaves, and a wild wind wailed. Death was singing in the shower. Death was happy to be alive. The fetus bailed out without a parachute. It landed in the sideline Astroturf, so upsetting the cheerleaders that for the remained of the afternoon their rahs were more like squeaks (Tom Robbins Quotes)