Tomorrow Quotes

Text Quotes
I race in two or three classic races a year and I may carry on for 10 more years or I may stop tomorrow (Tomorrow Quotes)
Be yourself, fill your life with good people, and don’t get a big head. It can all be gone tomorrow (Tomorrow Quotes)
I have learned to live each day as it comes, and not to borrow trouble by dreading tomorrow. It is the dark menace of the future that makes cowards of us (Tomorrow Quotes)
I’m used to the golf course playing soft, so tomorrow I’m going to have to pay attention a little bit more (Tomorrow Quotes)
The man who kills the animals today is the man who kills the people who get in his way tomorrow (Tomorrow Quotes)
Plan for this world as if you expect to live forever; but plan for the hereafter as if you expect to die tomorrow (Tomorrow Quotes)
First, do enough training. Then believe in yourself and say: I can do it. Tomorrow is my day. And then say: the person in front of me, he is just a human being as well; he has two legs, I have two legs, that is all. That is mentally how you prepare (Tomorrow Quotes)
So that’s the dissenter’s hope: that they are writing not for today but for tomorrow (Tomorrow Quotes)
All the big artists I talk to say that they are trapped in a formula and they are looking for the music of tomorrow (Tomorrow Quotes)
A writer who is in a hurry to be understood today or tomorrow runs the danger of being misunderstood the day after tomorrow (Tomorrow Quotes)
The suns going down and we can’t afford to come back to it tomorrow (Tomorrow Quotes)
Every pessimist who ever lived has been buried in an unmarked grave. Tomorrow has always been better than today, and it always will be (Tomorrow Quotes)
All we can do is be better prepared today than yesterday and better prepared tomorrow than today (Tomorrow Quotes)
I believe I can do anything. If I decide I want to be a doctor tomorrow, I’m going to be a doctor (Tomorrow Quotes)
I’m trying to do the best I can. I’m not concerned with tomorrow, but with what goes on today (Tomorrow Quotes)
What the results are telling them is that the most money is spent in volume by young people. They also see young people as the consumers of tomorrow and are trying to capture their attention from their competitors (Tomorrow Quotes)
People don’t expect to die tomorrow, but they do take out insurance, don’t they? (Tomorrow Quotes)
One thing that’s good about procrastination is that you always have something planned for tomorrow (Tomorrow Quotes)
One should really use the camera as though tomorrow you’d be stricken blind. To live a visual life is an enormous undertaking, practically unattainable. I have only touched it, just touched it (Tomorrow Quotes)
This whole acting thing was always just for me and was always an absolute shot in the dark. If it didn’t pan out, I had my hammer and tool belt, banging nails again tomorrow if I had to (Tomorrow Quotes)
I have never met a vampire personally, but I don’t know what might happen tomorrow (Tomorrow Quotes)
When I shall again write to you, or where I shall be tomorrow, I cannot tell (Tomorrow Quotes)
I should try to get some sleep as one doesn’t know what tomorrow may bring (Tomorrow Quotes)
You had better live your best and act your best and think your best today; for today is the sure preparation for tomorrow and all the other tomorrows that follow (Tomorrow Quotes)
The film of tomorrow will not be directed by civil servants of the camera, but by artists for whom shooting a film constitutes a wonderful and thrilling adventure (Tomorrow Quotes)
The film of tomorrow will resemble the person who made it, and the number of spectators will be proportional to the number of friends the director has (Tomorrow Quotes)
So foolish is the heart of man that he ever puts his hope in the future, learning nothing from his past errors and fancying that tomorrow must be better than today (Tomorrow Quotes)
For you see, each day I love you more. Today more than yesterday and less than tomorrow (Tomorrow Quotes)
The future comes quickly. Before you know it, you turn around and it’s tomorrow (Tomorrow Quotes)
Newspapers do a good job telling me what happened yesterday, but they’d be a lot more impressive if they could tell me what’s going to happen tomorrow (Tomorrow Quotes)