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Tonal Quotes

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Each of your excursions is balanced by the strengthening of the tonal  (Tonal Quotes) The tonal leads the way. You have to have a methodology  (Tonal Quotes) Music is the tonal analogue of emotive life  (Tonal Quotes) I love the subtlety and tonal range of the acoustic guitar  (Tonal Quotes) Music is the tonal reflection of beauty  (Tonal Quotes) Vibrato is the badge of tonal maturity  (Tonal Quotes) Writing tonal music now, you are not writing into the 19th Century  (Tonal Quotes) I examine each student carefully: Is there a balance between their tonal and their nagual?  (Tonal Quotes) If the tonal collapses completely, then you’re crazy functionally, you’re psychotic  (Tonal Quotes) As long as you fight the system, all of the things that are part of the tonal of the times, then you will be imbalanced and will not do well in the other levels of attention  (Tonal Quotes) No cowboy songs, no hoedowns. It’s a more serious piece. Yet every bar of ‘Appalachian Spring’ is clear, clean, tonal, intelligible - great music that anyone can grasp at first hearing.  (Tonal Quotes) When you’re in the desert you witness acts of power. When you’re in the world of the tonal, drop all that nonsense, become logical and orderly and have fun with that  (Tonal Quotes) When you can command the nagual you have a great deal of power, and people know it intuitively. They feel if they can plunge themselves into the nagual they can get anything they want in the tonal  (Tonal Quotes) What they should really do, if they want supreme power, is develop the tonal to perfection  (Tonal Quotes) The nagual doesn’t give you the ability to get what you want in the tonal  (Tonal Quotes) Humor is the balance of the tonal. Within the tonal you’ve got reason and humor. The two balance each other so that the tonal can accept and understand the journeys into the nagual  (Tonal Quotes) The process is not simply of constructing a new tonal from scratch, but reordering the one you have  (Tonal Quotes) Your tonal will enable you to deal with the world well, to do well in a career and interact with others  (Tonal Quotes) When you read a book, you create that tonal bandwidth. You set a tone for yourself, as you’re reading it, in which everything exists within the world of your imagination  (Tonal Quotes) I’ve heard though that there is a younger generation of tonal French composers who are reacting with vigour  (Tonal Quotes) Eighty percent of my pieces gravitate towards an A, as a tonal thing, not at the beginning, but somewhere in it  (Tonal Quotes) When we talk, answer questions, I’m addressing your tonal. I’m teaching you a way or a series of ways of dealing with the world.  (Tonal Quotes) An uninhibited, Chuck Berry devotee but experimented with and broke a lot of ground on feedback techniques and solid variations in tonal and dissonant utilizations. I’m one of the best guitarists in the world, and I play with great emotion.  (Tonal Quotes) When you read a book, you create that tonal bandwidth. You set a tone for yourself, as you’re reading it, in which everything exists within the world of your imagination.  (Tonal Quotes) I like the way that Dexter mixed humor, dark humor and tragedy, in a way I don’t think that I’ve seen another show do. To handle those tonal shifts with so much confidence. Normally, you can mix humor and dark humor, you can mix dark humor and tragedy, but to mix all three... There are just moments with Robin and Reuben, the next door neighbors, that are just funny.  (Tonal Quotes) In the world order, if the nagual dominates and not the tonal, then we’ll live in times of fear and superstition  (Tonal Quotes) I believe that from the earth emerges a musical poetry that is by the nature of its sources tonal. I believe that these sources cause to exist a phonology of music, which evolves from the universal, and is known as the harmonic series  (Tonal Quotes) I don’t think in terms of intervals; I think in terms of tonal color. I’m trying to play through as many keys as possible  (Tonal Quotes) Christ was crucified because he threatened the tonal of the time. He was killed because he threatened the established order of the political regime  (Tonal Quotes) I see my subject as an orchestration of shapes, patterns, shade, cast shadows, tonal groupings and aerial perspective  (Tonal Quotes)
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