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Tonal Quotes

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The tonal is the sense of place. It is order and reason in a world of chaos  (Tonal Quotes) The world is always chaos, but we pretend that it’s not because it makes us feel better. In doing so we’re able to go through it in a specific manner and form: That’s the tonal  (Tonal Quotes) Each one of you has created a sense of self. That’s what the tonal does. Each one of you is taught a system of maintenance that has been developed by humankind from your birth till your death  (Tonal Quotes) In no way can words convey the nagual. But they open up the possibility. They allow an admission on the island of the tonal  (Tonal Quotes) The tonal is also endless and limitless. We like to think of it as being finite so we feel better  (Tonal Quotes) You’re not capable of stepping into nirvana at this time. If you did it would be disastrous. You’re tonal would be swamped  (Tonal Quotes) The island of the tonal, the way we see life, is there so we can get through our life. It was never intended to become a dictator that would usurp all other views of the world and banish them  (Tonal Quotes) The problem is that the dictator of the tonal wants to eliminate the mystery of life  (Tonal Quotes) Thought is the ultimate tonal. Each thought is like a dike that blocks out the nagual  (Tonal Quotes) Your tonal must accept that the nagual exists and that it’s beneficial and healthy  (Tonal Quotes) When we talk, answer questions, I’m addressing your tonal. I’m teaching you a way or a series of ways of dealing with the world  (Tonal Quotes) In the training process, the teacher addresses two sides of your being. One is the tonal and one is the nagual  (Tonal Quotes) When you sit, you’ve put a place on the island of the tonal for the possibility of your thoughts stopping for a short period of time  (Tonal Quotes) You can make all the changes to the island of the tonal you want, you can take excursions into the nagual, but to push yourself into the reordering process is absolutely foolish  (Tonal Quotes)
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