Tony Benn Quotes

Text Quotes
Britain today is suffering from galloping obsolescence (Tony Benn Quotes)
I have had the advantage of a radical Christian upbringing (Tony Benn Quotes)
Through talk, we tamed kings, restrained tyrants, averted revolution (Tony Benn Quotes)
She believes in something. It is an old-fashioned idea (Tony Benn Quotes)
Broadcasting is really too important to be left to the broadcasters (Tony Benn Quotes)
Some of the jam we thought was for tomorrow, we've already eaten (Tony Benn Quotes)
I am not a reluctant peer but a persistent commoner (Tony Benn Quotes)
If you file your waste-paper basket for fifty years, you have a public library (Tony Benn Quotes)
An educated, healthy and confident nation is harder to govern (Tony Benn Quotes)
There is no final victory, as there is no final defeat. There is just the same battle. To be fought, over and over again. So toughen up, bloody toughen up (Tony Benn Quotes)
People would do well to ask themselves how many of their ambitions and aspirations derive from the type of economic system they inhabit and the insecurity and exhaustion it creates, and question the sense and purpose of a society where control of a large portion of life is abdicated under contract in the labour market, and where immense creativity and potential is stifled by the need to do difficult and repetitive tasks in order to earn a wage (Tony Benn Quotes)
It is government policy to phase out subsidies to nationalised industries. In line with this, the government hopes that the coal industry will be able to operate without the need for assistance apart from social grants (Tony Benn Quotes)
The exhaustion of old age is something people who are younger don’t fully appreciate (Tony Benn Quotes)
I see myself as an old man and an unqualified teacher to the nation. I think being a teacher is probably the most important thing you can be in politics (Tony Benn Quotes)
The people who have sacrificed their view in order to get to the top have very often left no footprints in the sands of time (Tony Benn Quotes)
I believe the more difficult the circumstances, the more people will be inclined to trust those in charge at the moment (Tony Benn Quotes)
Someone comes every morning at nine o’clock to see if I am still alive. I do get lonely, yes, but I have the children who come and see me. I see all my children every week, and there are the grandchildren, too (Tony Benn Quotes)
Who would rather go to jail than betray what they believe to be their duty to their fellow workers and the principles which they hold (Tony Benn Quotes)
The policy is principally designed to hold down wages rather than to check inflation. Inflation is being used as an excuse to destroy free trade union bargaining (Tony Benn Quotes)
I think democracy is the most revolutionary thing in the world, because if you have power you use it to meet the needs of you and your community (Tony Benn Quotes)
First they ignore you, then they say you’re mad, then dangerous, then there’s a pause and then you can’t find anyone who disagrees with you (Tony Benn Quotes)
There is no moral difference between a Stealth bomber and a suicide bomber. They both kill innocent people for political reasons (Tony Benn Quotes)
A faith is something you die for; a doctrine is something you kill for; there is all the difference in the world (Tony Benn Quotes)
It's the same each time with progress. First they ignore you, then they say you're mad, then dangerous, then there's a pause and then you can't find anyone who disagrees with you (Tony Benn Quotes)
I am on the right wing of the middle of the road and with a strong radical bias (Tony Benn Quotes)
Most things in life are moments of pleasure and a lifetime of embarrassment; photography is a moment of embarrassment and a lifetime of pleasure (Tony Benn Quotes)
The Marxist analysis has got nothing to do with what happened in Stalin's Russia: it's like blaming Jesus Christ for the Inquisition in Spain (Tony Benn Quotes)
We are not just here to manage capitalism but to change society and to define it's finer values (Tony Benn Quotes)
In developing our industrial strategy for the period ahead, we have the benefit of much experience. Almost everything has been tried at least once (Tony Benn Quotes)
Britain's continuing membership of the Community would mean the end of Britain as a completely self-governing nation (Tony Benn Quotes)