Tony Gaskins Quotes
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Text Quotes
When you truly love yourself, you don’t have enemies. They may hate you but you’re too big to hate them back. (Tony Gaskins Quotes)
You can’t save a relationship unless both people are equally invested. It takes a joint effort to make it work. One person trying will never be enough. (Tony Gaskins Quotes)
If you can’t do anything about it then let it go. Don’t be a prisoner to things you can’t change. (Tony Gaskins Quotes)
God makes originals not carbon copies. It’s okay to be inspired by someone, but be bold enough to be yourself. (Tony Gaskins Quotes)
Life is too precious to waste it with the wrong person. You’re better off alone until the right one comes along. (Tony Gaskins Quotes)
Any man can help make a child, but it takes a special man to help raise a child. He must be selfless. He must be responsible. He must be reliable. He must be a role model. Happy Father’s Day to the men who are being real fathers (Tony Gaskins Quotes)
Evaluate the people in your life; then promote, demote, or terminate. You’re the CEO of your life! (Tony Gaskins Quotes)
True Love gives you Peace! It doesn’t consume you with anxiety, that’s lust! (Tony Gaskins Quotes)
Even at your best, someone will have something negative to say. Pursue Greatness anyways! (Tony Gaskins Quotes)
Negative people need drama like oxygen. Stay positive, it’ll take their breath away (Tony Gaskins Quotes)
People don’t cheat by chance, they cheat by choice (Tony Gaskins Quotes)
I believe you should seek to understand and then be understood (Tony Gaskins Quotes)
Winners win in life because they win the battle in their mind first! (Tony Gaskins Quotes)
You can’t get it all, unless you give it your all (Tony Gaskins Quotes)
The best way to dream is with your eyes open and feet moving (Tony Gaskins Quotes)
Embrace the struggle and let it make you stronger. It won’t last forever (Tony Gaskins Quotes)
The doors will be opened to those who are bold enough to knock (Tony Gaskins Quotes)
God makes originals not carbon copies. It’s okay to be inspired by someone, but be bold enough to be yourself (Tony Gaskins Quotes)
When you truly love yourself, you don’t have enemies. They may hate you but you’re too big to hate them back (Tony Gaskins Quotes)
Love doesn’t hurt you. A person that doesn’t know how to love hurts you. Don’t get it twisted (Tony Gaskins Quotes)
Separation before elevation. You have to let some people and things go so you can go to the next level (Tony Gaskins Quotes)
Live your own truth and it won’t matter how many lies they tell about you. The truth will prove itself (Tony Gaskins Quotes)
Not everyone who started with you will finish with you. Be willing to go without them if you have to (Tony Gaskins Quotes)
Trust the process. Your time is coming. Just do the work and the results will handle themselves (Tony Gaskins Quotes)
Relationship is like a job but you can’t ever retire. When you stop working at it, it stops working (Tony Gaskins Quotes)
The wise learn from the mistakes of others, it’s the fool that wants to make their own mistakes (Tony Gaskins Quotes)
Two incomplete people can’t complete one another. Complete yourself and then let someone else complement you (Tony Gaskins Quotes)
A real relationship is like a river; the deeper it gets the less noise it makes (Tony Gaskins Quotes)
To be content does not mean that you don’t desire more, it means you’re thankful for what you have and patient for what’s to come (Tony Gaskins Quotes)
If you can’t do anything about it then let it go. Don’t be a prisoner to things you can’t change (Tony Gaskins Quotes)
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