Tony Judt Quotes
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Text Quotes
Reality is a powerful solvent (Tony Judt Quotes)
But I’m English. We don’t do uplifting (Tony Judt Quotes)
I’m regarded outside New York University as a looney tunes leftie, self-hating Jewish communist; inside the university, I’m regarded as a typical, old-fashioned, white male liberal elitist. I like that. I’m on the edge of both; it makes me feel comfortable. (Tony Judt Quotes)
Above all, the thrall in which an ideology holds a people is best measured by their collective inability to imagine alternatives (Tony Judt Quotes)
After 1945 what happened was rather the opposite: with one major exception boundaries stayed broadly intact and people were moved instead (Tony Judt Quotes)
If we have learned nothing else from the 20th century, we should at least have grasped that the more perfect the answer, the more terrifying its consequences. Incremental improvements upon unsatisfactory circumstances are the best that we can hope for, and probably all we should seek (Tony Judt Quotes)
The people whose necks hurt when I write about the Middle East tend to live in Brooklyn or Boca Raton: the kind of Zionist who pays another man to live in Israel for him. I have nothing but contempt for such people (Tony Judt Quotes)
I started work on my first French history book in 1969; on ‘Socialism in Provence’ in 1974; and on the essays in Marxism and the French Left in 1978. Conversely, my first non-academic publication, a review in the ‘TLS’, did not come until the late 1980s, and it was not until 1993 that I published my first piece in the ‘New York Review.’ (Tony Judt Quotes)
Judaism for me is a sensibility of collective self-questioning and uncomfortable truth-telling. I feel a debt of responsibility to this past. It is why I am Jewish (Tony Judt Quotes)
I believe that if we think back to the period from F.D.R. through, let us say, Bush I, until the end of the Cold War, we lived through an artificial period in which American interests and European interests essentially dovetailed. (Tony Judt Quotes)
What has gone catastrophically wrong in England and the States is that for 30 years we’ve lost the ability to talk about the state in positive terms. We’ve raised a generation or two of young people who don’t think to ask, ‘What can the state do that is good?’ (Tony Judt Quotes)
History can show you that it was one pile of bad stuff after another. It can also show you that there’s been tremendous progress in knowledge, behaviour, laws, civilisation. It cannot show you that there was a meaning behind it. (Tony Judt Quotes)
I just like being on my own on trains, traveling. I spent all my pocket money travelling the London Underground and Southern Railway, what used to be the Western region, and in Europe as much as I could afford it. My parents used to think I was going places, but I wasn’t, I was just travelling the trains. (Tony Judt Quotes)
I don’t believe in an afterlife. I don’t believe in a single or multiple godhead. I respect people who do, but I don’t believe it myself. (Tony Judt Quotes)
Popularizing - much less venturing beyond one’s secure turf - was frowned upon for many years. I think I probably internalized the prohibition, even though I was - and knew I was - among the best speakers and writers of my age cohort. I don’t mean I was the best historian - a quite different measure. (Tony Judt Quotes)
It would be suicide in the American academy to show too early an interest beyond your doctoral specialization: charges of everything from charlatanry to ambition would be levied and tenure denied. I’ve seen this first-hand. (Tony Judt Quotes)
I do think we’re on the edge of a terrifying world, and that many young people know that but don’t know how to talk about it. (Tony Judt Quotes)
You don’t have to be Jewish to understand the history of Europe in the 20th century, but it helps. (Tony Judt Quotes)
We know what things cost but have no idea what they are worth (Tony Judt Quotes)
Love, it seems to me, is the condition in which one is most contentedly oneself (Tony Judt Quotes)
History always happens to us and nothing ever stays the same (Tony Judt Quotes)
I don’t much mind being expelled from communities (Tony Judt Quotes)
We are not merely historians but also and always citizens (Tony Judt Quotes)
We need to learn... how war brutalises and degrades winners and losers alike and what happens to us when, having heedlessly waged war for no good reason, we are encouraged to inflate and demonise our enemies in order to justify that war’s indefinite continuance (Tony Judt Quotes)
If we remain grotesquely unequal, we shall lose all sense of fraternity: and fraternity, for all its fatuity as a political objective, turns out to be the necessary condition of politics itself (Tony Judt Quotes)
How should we begin to make amends for raising a generation obsessed with the pursuit of material wealth and indifferent to so much else? (Tony Judt Quotes)
I can still boss people around. I can still write. I can still read. I can still eat, and I can still have very strong views (Tony Judt Quotes)
I do think we’re on the edge of a terrifying world, and that many young people know that but don’t know how to talk about it (Tony Judt Quotes)
I don’t believe in an afterlife. I don’t believe in a single or multiple godhead. I respect people who do, but I don’t believe it myself (Tony Judt Quotes)
I grew up in a world where the social democratic state was the norm, not the exception (Tony Judt Quotes)
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