Tony Robbins Quotes

Text Quotes
At the end of the day, the question to ask yourself is this: do your expenses, big and small, bring you the thrill they once did? (Tony Robbins Quotes)
And always remember the ultimate truth: life is not about money, it’s about emotion (Tony Robbins Quotes)
Realize that if you can instantly create a problem, you can just as quickly and easily create a solution (Tony Robbins Quotes)
Explore your web: the needs, the beliefs, and the emotions that are controlling you so there’s more of you to give and so you can appreciate what’s driving other people. It’s the only way our world’s going to change (Tony Robbins Quotes)
The first thing these people have who succeed, who are fulfilled, is that they’ve decided what the purpose of the game is, at least for right now (Tony Robbins Quotes)
The more rules you have about how people have to be, how life has to be for you to be happy, the less happy you’re going to be (Tony Robbins Quotes)
The quality of your life is a direct reflection of the expectations of your peer group. Choose your peers wisely (Tony Robbins Quotes)
Ultimately the way to win the game of life, is found in only one thing: Our ability to choose meaning in any life circumstance. Become the master of meaning and you master your life (Tony Robbins Quotes)
Your biggest problem, is that you think the current problem you’re facing is your problem (Tony Robbins Quotes)
In order to take our lives to the next level, we must realize that the same pattern of thinking that has gotten us to where we are now will not get us to where we want to go (Tony Robbins Quotes)
You could be winning and feel like you’re losing because the scorecard you’re using is unfair (Tony Robbins Quotes)
Your emotions are nothing but biochemical storms in your brain and you are in control of them at any point in time (Tony Robbins Quotes)
It is not that we don’t know the right answers, it is just that we don’t ask the right questions (Tony Robbins Quotes)
When it seems impossible like nothing is going to work, you are usually just a few millimeters away from making it happen (Tony Robbins Quotes)
If we believe in magic, we’ll live a magical life. If we believe our life is defined by narrow limits, we’ve suddenly made those beliefs real (Tony Robbins Quotes)
Many people try to avoid pressure, yet the absence of any tension or pressure usually creates a sense of boredom and the lackluster experience of life that so many people complain about (Tony Robbins Quotes)
To this day, even when I hear about problems, as you’ve probably noticed, I tend to call them challenges. I don’t dwell on them, and I immediately focus on how I can convert the challenge into an opportunity (Tony Robbins Quotes)
Our goal is not to ignore the problems of life, but to put ourselves in better mental and emotional states where we can not only come up with solutions, but act upon them (Tony Robbins Quotes)
Set high standards for yourself and don’t settle for anything less. You are the best judge of yourself and your capabilities (Tony Robbins Quotes)
Effective leaders know that resources are never the problem; it’s always a matter or resourcefulness (Tony Robbins Quotes)
It’s not about getting what you want. It’s about experiencing what you really need by becoming more (Tony Robbins Quotes)
Lasting fulfillment is attained only through gaining insight into the core of our human nature, unleashing the power to understand, appreciate, and enjoy our lives at the deepest level (Tony Robbins Quotes)
Rapport is the ultimate tool for producing results with other people. No matter what you want in your life, if you can develop rapport with the right people, you’ll be able to fill their needs, and they will be able to fill yours (Tony Robbins Quotes)
The difference between acting badly or brilliantly is not based on your ability, but on the state of your mind and/or body in any given moment (Tony Robbins Quotes)
See it better than it is or you have no future, without vision there is no possibility of improvement (Tony Robbins Quotes)
If you want to grow a muscle, you must lift something out of your comfort zone. Push beyond what is comfortable, if you don’t there will be no growth (Tony Robbins Quotes)
It’s not about the resources you have available. It’s about the resourcefulness you have within you (Tony Robbins Quotes)
I’m both challenged and excited. My excitement is: I get a chance to give something back. My challenge is: The shortest seminar I usually do is 50 hours (Tony Robbins Quotes)
Without gratitude and appreciation for what you already have, you’ll never know true fulfillment (Tony Robbins Quotes)
Excitement must lead to immediate action or you will lose the power of momentum. More dreams die because we fail to seize the moment. Do it now! (Tony Robbins Quotes)