Tool Quotes

Text Quotes
You don’t have to travel, but I find extended travel to be a helpful tool for reexamining yourself and the constraints you’ve artificially placed on your life. It’s easy to believe everything has to be done one way if you’re always in one place around the same people. (Tool Quotes)
Power as a beneficial tool for aspiring achievers is primarily made up into four folds;1. Power to control emotions,2. Power to make right decisions,3. Power to stand against depression,4. Power to excel in innovations. (Tool Quotes)
I did three DVD’s for ‘Baby Einstein,’ teaching babies how to sign. It really helps a parent communicate because babies can’t talk. But it has been proven that they can communicate using their hands to communicate. So sign language is a great tool in that way. (Tool Quotes)
Let me be clear: I’m a believer in a robust military, which is essential for backing up diplomacy. But the implication is that we need a balanced tool chest of diplomatic and military tools alike. Instead, we have a billionaire military and a pauper diplomacy. The U.S. military now has more people in its marching bands than the State Department has in its foreign service - and that’s preposterous. (Tool Quotes)
In modelling or football, being 30 is very bad. But, for an actress, ageing is like wine. You taste better and better because your body, your mind, your feelings, all this is a tool and it’s getting sharper with time. (Tool Quotes)
Not all negativity is bad. In politics, it’s a necessary clarifying tool. (Tool Quotes)
Music is a powerful tool in galvanizing people around an issue. There’s no better way to get your point across than to put it in a beautiful song. (Tool Quotes)
Beauty and seduction, I believe, is nature’s tool for survival, because we will protect what we fall in love with. (Tool Quotes)
I sound like such a tool, but becoming a mother has made me next-level confident. I’ve never felt more empowered. (Tool Quotes)
I like to work fast. I despise not having the right tool or, worse, knowing I have it but not being able to find it. It’s a pointless delay that wrecks my pace - and mood. (Tool Quotes)
A moral principle is not a command to act or to forbear acting in a given way: it is a tool for analyzing a special situation, the right or wrong being determined by the situation in its entirety, not by the rule as such. (Tool Quotes)
Fame was never something I was seeking in my artistic journey. It’s to be used as a tool for an artist to break open doors and keep creating. That’s how I enjoyed fame in 74; it was not just for the emptiness of being famous. (Tool Quotes)
I don’t think it’s not feminist to use every tool you have to succeed, and part of that is being a woman - presenting yourself in a certain way. (Tool Quotes)
Everything serious in the world is well approached by humour. It’s a powerful and often quite subversive tool. I suppose there is an argument that could be made against me for being frivolous, but I do think a laugh is a very generous thing to give. (Tool Quotes)
Pay-for-procedure or fee-for-service reimbursement rewards doctors and hospitals for volume - not keeping patients healthy or being efficiency. Pay-for-Performance is clearly one tool that can change the incentives to reward quality. (Tool Quotes)
Things happen in baseball, even if, in theory, it’s something you don’t do. Stats are a tool, but it doesn’t mean that’s how a game is being played at that moment. There’s more than one way to win a game, or have a winning team. (Tool Quotes)
In fact almost everyone in my yearbook wrote the same thing to me: To weird girl, you’re nice. I didn’t think it was bad. When I showed my mother she said, Everyone is different. Being weird became my tool. I’m weird; that’s who I am. It was my coping badge. (Tool Quotes)
Use the powerful tool of thought and develop your mindset to believing and knowing you can change anything to your favour; yes, you have God`s Word so fashion your thought according to God`s Word. (Tool Quotes)
Celebrity is currency, it’s a good bargaining tool. It helps you get better service. (Tool Quotes)
Debt is such a powerful tool, it is such a useful tool, it’s much better than colonialism ever was because you can keep control without having an army, without having a whole administration. (Tool Quotes)
Appreciation is a powerful tool to shift perspective. Finding something to appreciate during a difficult situation quickly moves the perspective to the big picture from the little picture. (Tool Quotes)
I got my first camera when I was 21 - my boyfriend gave it to me for my birthday - but at that point politics was my life, and I viewed the camera as a tool for expressing my political beliefs rather than as an art medium. (Tool Quotes)
Competence is the most effective tool to hide madness. Black holes actually appear to be the brightest stars in sky. ~ Aarush Kashyap (Tool Quotes)
Before the 90s, black metal wasn’t a selling tool [and didn’t] have money behind it. Then it became a pop sensation. Now that the record industry has collapsed and started to rot, things are livening up a bit again. (Tool Quotes)
You have an awareness of your body and how to use it and I think that if you can embody a character physically it’s another really useful tool. (Tool Quotes)
I love CG - it’s a great tool. I just don’t think you should use it to replace reality; you should use it to augment and enhance. Do matte paintings, do composites, do replications, stuff like that, but you’re taking something real and working with that as opposed to trying to fake it from scratch. The human brain can tell the difference. (Tool Quotes)
Exercise is the single most powerful tool you have to optimize your brain function¦exercise has a profound impact on cognitive abilities and mental health. It is simply one of the best treatments we have for most psychiatric problems. (Tool Quotes)
In the entire history of the human species, every tool we’ve invented has been to expand muscle power. All except one. The integrated circuit, the computer. That lets us use our brain power. (Tool Quotes)
The greatest missionary tool we have is that of demonstrating friendliness, brotherly kindness, harmony, love and peace in our homes and in all our church meetings. (Tool Quotes)
At a relatively early age, I began to believe that building a business was perhaps the greatest opportunity for making an impact, because it’s a tool for making a change in the world. (Tool Quotes)