Tool Quotes

Text Quotes
We in the FBI have created a malware repository and analysis tool known as the Binary Analysis Characterization and Storage System, or BACSS, which provides near real-time investigative information. BACSS helps us link malware in different jurisdictions and paint a picture of cyber threats worldwide. (Tool Quotes)
I am State Senator Russell Pearce, the author of SB1070, which was signed by Governor Jan Brewer. Fear mongering and misinformation is the tool of the Left against this common sense legislation. (Tool Quotes)
If Cancer is the chastening tool of God, then doctors who are fighting cancer are fighting against the work of God. If a preacher or a Christian believes the sickness is a means of chastening, then he should never pray for relief from the sickness, but rather pray that the cancer will continue to grow until the chastening is completed. (Tool Quotes)
When you’re doing a film, narrative is your most important tool, but it’s a tool to create a cinematographic experience, to create those moments that are beyond narrative, that are almost an abstraction of that moment that hits your psyche. (Tool Quotes)
Your first job is to prepare the soil. The best tool for this is your neighbor’s garden tiller. If your neighbor does not own a garden tiller, suggest that he buy one. (Tool Quotes)
Italy in the first years got food, for the first year or the first periods got food. Then we got raw materials and then we got tool machines, let’s say, instruments for working. (Tool Quotes)
To forgive others, in order to forgive ourselves, because in their roles as our mirrors, they have been nothing other than a tool to our lack of self-love, a lack of self-recognition, and a lack of self-respect. (Tool Quotes)
Twitter... 140 character limit... must be a great tool for fortune cookie writers.. (Tool Quotes)
Ego, id, and superego are terms familiar to all, but for many years, Freud’s psychoanalytic theory has thrived in English departments around the country as a tool for interpreting literary texts but has rarely, if ever, been discussed in science departments. (Tool Quotes)
I don’t see a groundswell of people willing to raise gas taxes right now. That leaves fuel economy standards as the only effective tool we have as a nation to make a dent in our dangerous and ever growing consumption of oil. (Tool Quotes)
To me, the guitar is a tool for songwriting, and it’s fun, too. The day that it’s not fun, that’s when I’m not gonna play guitar anymore. (Tool Quotes)
I often use humor as a tool in my writing, and sometimes that works and sometimes it sits alone just as a funny line. (Tool Quotes)
Twitter, to me, works if you’re funny. Twitter doesn’t work as a promotional tool unless you do it very, very, very occasionally. (Tool Quotes)
Language to me is a tool a very clumsy tool. And words are garden tools with which to till the soil of one’s life. (Tool Quotes)
Obviously, in marketing, the best tool is to show the autobiography in fiction. It’s inevitable how that happens, but it’s generic. Say I’ve written a story where my sister dies. ‘Well, did your sister die?’ No, she did not. But people use those straws to grasp at the difference between reality and fiction. (Tool Quotes)
To me, the most important tool is not a physical or a technical one. It’s more of a cerebral one. It’s your brain. It’s about having an interest in experimenting musically, perhaps touching on several different genres of music. No doubt, the most important tool is the mind. It’s the willingness to experiment freely. (Tool Quotes)
Man’s mind is his basic tool of survival. Life is given to him, survival is not. (Tool Quotes)
God always seems bigger to those who need him most. And suffering is the tool he uses to help us need him more. (Tool Quotes)
An imagination submitted to the movement of the Holy Spirit is a powerful tool in the hands of God to write testaments of His glory. (Tool Quotes)
Some things are better than other things: Google, Gmail, my vintage Montgomery Wards socket set (30 years, still going strong), my Estwing framing hammer, and my Dremel rotary tool. (Tool Quotes)
Most people make their choices predicated upon a feeling because analysis really isn’t that good a tool. (Tool Quotes)
I feel that as the world becomes more and more multicultural, it’s a good tool to be able to speak another language. (Tool Quotes)
There is nothing wrong with Facebook in itself, except that it is not a very good tool to express the quality of your relationships. (Tool Quotes)
When you dance intensely, you are really aware of your physicality, and that’s always great to have as a tool, when you’re an actress. (Tool Quotes)
Not one person I know isn’t concerned with their appearance. To trivialize fashion is to rob ourselves of a great tool. (Tool Quotes)
My creative side is identifying all these great entrepreneurial creative people that come up with great ideas, whether they are in fashion or technology or a new tool to improve ourselves. (Tool Quotes)
Music bears a great responsibility because it is so influential. Everybody listens to music. It is a very influential tool. To me, it is very important to the world... music is... to being... to life. (Tool Quotes)
When I’m out and about, I’ll text or email myself from my phone. A smart phone is a great tool for a writer. (Tool Quotes)
The blog is certainly another tool for writers out there to break their way in. But being a blogger does not make you a great writer. (Tool Quotes)
I don’t view myself as a victim of gun violence. I view myself as a victim of a maniac who happened to use a gun as a tool, and I view myself as a victim of the legislators at the time who left me defenseless. (Tool Quotes)