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Do not wait; the time will never be “just right.” Start where you stand and work with whatever tools you may have  (Tools Quotes) I am in favor of complete freedom of information and of free access to the new communication tools, in particular the Internet  (Tools Quotes) If we really wanted to be cool, and everyone in the world had Pro Tools, we could just put it up on the internet and everyone could make their own record out of it  (Tools Quotes) In the Radiation Laboratory we count it a privilege to do everything we can to assist our medical colleagues in the application of these new tools to the problems of human suffering  (Tools Quotes) Like the average American that I hang out with, and like my father before me, I raised all my children to respect tools and use them wisely and safely  (Tools Quotes) We need to be a leadership position about protecting minors on the Internet and, more importantly, giving the parents the tools they need to protect them  (Tools Quotes) When I listen to music these days, and I hear Pro Tools and drums that sound like a machine - it kinda sucks the life out of music  (Tools Quotes) Writing a song is much like being an author. Yes, we all have tools to write (everyone has a brain I hope!), But that doesn’t all of a sudden make us best selling authors  (Tools Quotes) Small businesses drive this economy and it is unacceptable that the President’s budget proposal does not give them the tools they need to be successful  (Tools Quotes) South Africa has all the tools to compete in the new global village - an eager workforce, ready to take on any challenge  (Tools Quotes) How strangely will the Tools of a Tyrant pervert the plain Meaning of Words  (Tools Quotes) The Export-Import Bank is one of the most important tools America has to create jobs  (Tools Quotes) Man is a tool-using animal. Without tools he is nothing, with tools he is all  (Tools Quotes) No doubt, man will continue to weigh and to measure, watch himself grow, and his Universe around him and with him, according to the ever growing powers of his tools  (Tools Quotes) Create tools that enable people to make decisions at the same level, ideally, of fidelity that that you would make them yourself  (Tools Quotes) Somebody is going to find a way digitally that is just as innovative. In the end, the tools can change, but there is always someone who can think of something cool to do  (Tools Quotes) I love 3D a lot, I have a great interest in 3D, so if I am given the tools to do a project with 3D, it’s a dream for me  (Tools Quotes) I don’t have to do emails, I don’t have to protect myself about anything, I don’t have any chain of command. My job is just to try and give everybody the tools that they need to express themselves  (Tools Quotes) I really think I’m at the top of my game right now, and I have the tools that I’ve learned over the years, so I feel really good about what I’m doing onstage now  (Tools Quotes) Look, the FBI has the tools necessary un-American activities in our country. It goes on, we shouldn’t even be talking about it  (Tools Quotes) Whatever I thought might hold me back, I avoided. I crossed girls off my list, except as tools for my sexual needs  (Tools Quotes) I never demonstrate how art should be made or what the outcome should look like. Instead, give kids the tools and the materials to make their own art. Have them experience the process  (Tools Quotes) Sometimes as we go through life, it gets challenging and the Divine energy gets beat up a little bit, so it’s important to have little tools that help keep the connection strong  (Tools Quotes) I certainly was a geeky kid myself, but to me, math and science were always these magical things- powerful tools you could use in incredible ways  (Tools Quotes) I build the individual modules to meet a demand. If I need the music to change direction, I want to have the tools to be able to do that  (Tools Quotes) I think Pro Tools is pretty analogous to how people composed music on tape back in the 70s, taking little fragments of things and saying, ‘How can we organize these in a sensible way’  (Tools Quotes) Most birds are geniuses. We had one that became a pet; he learned to talk, use tools and solve problems  (Tools Quotes) Using the Lean Startup approach, companies can create order not chaos by providing tools to test a vision continuously  (Tools Quotes) If you have not the correct tools to work in your garden. Just let it be  (Tools Quotes) The stone age was marked by man’s clever use of crude tools; the information age, to date, has been marked by man’s crude use of clever tools  (Tools Quotes)
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