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I learned a lot about the business side of the industry and some new production tools. It’s getting more and more difficult, because of my exploding gig schedule.  (Tools Quotes) To me, that’s the role of government: not to give people a hand out, but a hand up... giving people the tools to pave their own way to success.  (Tools Quotes) My job as a surgeon is not just to fix a joint, but to give my patients the encouragement and tools they need to speed up their recovery and leave my clinic better than they have been in years.  (Tools Quotes) We should be individualizing instruction, utilizing that data to actually give teachers the tools necessary to meet the needs of a very diverse group of kids which exists in every class.  (Tools Quotes) The corporations have all their marketing tools, but it’s so much better to go in and find out what’s going on and what people are thinking.  (Tools Quotes) China has created very good investment tools, including an entire network of very large funds. The Russian Private Investment Fund works with some of those funds, with China’s largest investment funds.  (Tools Quotes) Technology is technology. Technology doesn’t have a, it is not good or bad. Technologies are tools.  (Tools Quotes) I am a teacher. It’s how I define myself. A good teacher isn’t someone who gives the answers out to their kids but is understanding of needs and challenges and gives tools to help other people succeed. That’s the way I see myself, so whatever it is that I will do eventually after politics, it’ll have to do a lot with teaching.  (Tools Quotes) When Nixon declared the war on cancer, he had no army. He had no tools. He had no anything, except good intentions.  (Tools Quotes) More than a billion people have downloaded Google Earth. More than a billion people use Google Maps. They are very comfortable tools for people to explore the planet in high resolution.  (Tools Quotes) The reason that some singers go on to become great artists has very little to do with their voices, but rather with the fact that they have used their instruments as tools for detailed communication.  (Tools Quotes) Not every innovation in transportation is going to come from government or even a large enterprise. There are smart people out there with tools and skills to come up with great ideas.  (Tools Quotes) I actually have a great deal of respect for antidepressants; I think they can be enormously mighty tools toward recovery.  (Tools Quotes) Giving great service requires the right people and the right service tools  (Tools Quotes) To have a discussion about the plusses and minuses of various forms of group action, though, is going to require discussing the current tools and services as they exist, rather than discussing their caricatures or simply wishing that they would disappear.  (Tools Quotes) I don’t think language could have evolved if it was the only distinctive trait. It goes hand in hand with our ability to develop tools and technologies, and also with the fact that we cooperate with nonrelatives.  (Tools Quotes) When you’re in a songwriting class, and you write a song, and you hand it in to a teacher to grade, I’m still going to say that it’s a really awesome song whether I got an A or a D. I learned to stick to my guns and take the tools as tools and not as rules.  (Tools Quotes) And psychedelics now, as we de-condition ourselves from the post-medieval world, they are present to hand as tools.  (Tools Quotes) You have all the tools right now to make this day, this moment, happy. The best of these tools is love.  (Tools Quotes) Most moms and dads, they want to be good moms and dads. But it’s an incredibly hard job when you are stressed out, when you are poor, when your life is in chaos. And giving them some of the tools to be better parents, to whittle away at that parenting gap, gives those kids a much better starting point in life.  (Tools Quotes) It is hard to overstate how valuable it is to have all the incredible tools that are used for human disease to study plants.  (Tools Quotes) If you walk into any bookstore, you can look at the newsstands and see which magazines are nationally-distributed, and you recognize certain names. Same with television. With the blogsphere, however, you actually have to dig, and know how to use multiple tools to figure out whom you should be speaking to.  (Tools Quotes) Disease and ill health are caused largely by damage at the molecular and cellular level, yet todays surgical tools are too large to deal with that kind of problem.  (Tools Quotes) Health systems usually deal with the consequences of violence. We normally, in the health system, don’t have the tools to prevent it, because these require policy interventions in every arena.  (Tools Quotes) Meditation and mindfulness are tools for working with the mind, but where they have led me is to a blossoming of the heart  (Tools Quotes)
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