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Tottenham Quotes

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Tottenham ice their sublime cake with the ridiculous  (Tottenham Quotes) Tottenham have impressed me. They haven’t thrown in the towel even though they have been under the gun  (Tottenham Quotes) Have Tottenham closed the gap on Arsenal? Last time I checked they were still 4 miles and 11 titles awa  (Tottenham Quotes) In London, the home of the quick deal is that outer ring of the seven circles of hell, Tottenham Court Road, where, as a rule, finding something with an advertised price is as likely as spotting a mermaid under Vauxhall Bridge.  (Tottenham Quotes) Tottenham Hotspur has a huge following across the world and I have great admiration for the passion the fans show for this team. We are determined to give the supporters the kind of attacking football and success that we are all looking to achieve.  (Tottenham Quotes)