Tough Situation Quotes

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You can survive tough situations and even turn them to your advantage by acting as if you are the person you want to be. When you act like that person, you can become that person. The hard parts are deciding whom you want to become, being willing to rehearse until you become that person, and forgiving yourself until you do. (Tough Situation Quotes)
These are tough and unusual times and I don’t see the negative global economic situation abating anytime soon. (Tough Situation Quotes)
It was extremely difficult to suppress my emotions, because my character in’ A Girl at My Door’ goes through so many infuriating situations. It was a lonely process having to portray someone that acts tough but is deeply hurting inside and is unable to express that. (Tough Situation Quotes)
Sometimes people expect that I’m going to be tough. It’s not a bad situation. People treat you better. People are on time. (Tough Situation Quotes)
It is a tough business but if you get yourself in a situation like I, you can maintain a career over many years. That, to me, is a successful actor (Tough Situation Quotes)
I think the rebuilding of the city has to start with the spirit first. So the music, the vibe, the connection spiritually with the artists. Everybody out here is the main key. A lot of people are still in a lot of tough situations. My heart still goes out to the people of New Orleans (Tough Situation Quotes)
This is a government which is proposing to put at risk our manufacturing industry, to penalise struggling families, to make a tough situation worse for millions of households right around Australia. And for what? To make not a scrap of difference to the environment any time in the next 1000 years (Tough Situation Quotes)
I like Obama. I don’t know who could do a better job. He’s got an incredibly tough situation, and a good heart and mind. I’d like to see him rally support a little better (Tough Situation Quotes)
I saw the president make the tough calls in the Situation Room - and today, our troops in Iraq have finally come home so America can do some nation building here at home. That was the change that we believed in. That was the change we fought for. That was the change President Obama delivered (Tough Situation Quotes)
He wants to be his own man and be recognized for what he’s done. He’s not asking for anything because of his name. That was a tough situation to go into at Alabama, but he probably wouldn’t have been given the job if the situation would have been different (Tough Situation Quotes)
Tough situations build strong people (Tough Situation Quotes)
In sports and in business, the greatest leaders are those who make the best decisions in the most crucial of situations. They are the ones who focus their energy on turning tough decisions into winning decisions (Tough Situation Quotes)
When life puts you in tough situations don't say "Why me?" say "Try me" (Tough Situation Quotes)
No matter how long it takes, it will get better. Tough situations build strong people in the end (Tough Situation Quotes)
Surviving a tough situation means staying in the fight and maintaining a warrior’s mindset (Tough Situation Quotes)
Establish a system you have confidence in and rely on it when you get into tough situations (Tough Situation Quotes)
We don’t back off obstacles and tough situations, we use them to make us stronger (Tough Situation Quotes)
Plus, when you get in tough situations, like the bases loaded and nobody out, you never give in (Tough Situation Quotes)
I think it’s the mark of a great player to be confident in tough situations (Tough Situation Quotes)
Don’t let anything or anyone define you. You are what you are because of what you make of tough situations in your life (Tough Situation Quotes)
This is a tough situation. But it is what it is, and time has an amazing way of knitting together solutions as long as everybody stays calm and resolves to be as gentle and patient as possible (Tough Situation Quotes)
As a mama and a grandma, I appreciate, understand and absolutely believe in the sanctity of life. But I recognize that there are those tough situations where heartbreaking decisions have to be made (Tough Situation Quotes)
I mostly write about the working poor. Somehow, they’re not being written about much anymore. I’m very interested in people who are in a situation that needs a little puzzling out. The thing that gets me started on a story is a person in a tough situation (Tough Situation Quotes)
Mentally I must be lazy, like a little kid, but I always seem to do well when there’s a tough situation (Tough Situation Quotes)
In a tough situation, don’t avoid acting just because it’s easier or comfortable. Don’t lapse into a passive state. People who give up, die (Tough Situation Quotes)
I want to encourage young women to stand up for each other and speak up when they see others in a tough situation (Tough Situation Quotes)
One thing you must never lose is courage. If you believe in the goal you are striving for, you will be courageous. There are many difficult times ahead, but you must keep your sense of humor, work through the tough situations, and enjoy yourself! (Tough Situation Quotes)
When people see how I manage to work my way out of tough situations, it gives them hope in their own life (Tough Situation Quotes)
I know some people say I can be funny. But there is always a deeper meaning to what I say. I am a socialist at heart and have the interests of the poor in mind. When people see how I manage to work my way out of tough situations, it gives them hope in their own life (Tough Situation Quotes)