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I’ll give you an example. Henry, the old black guy who cooks the corn bread, he worked on the railroads for about 20 years so he knows how to lay and build track  (Track Quotes) I followed most of the 80’s bands into the 90’s as most of those folks who hadn’t moved away were all still active. However, there was a point when I lost track of the new bands coming up  (Track Quotes) I had no inducement to proceed further into the interior. I had been sufficiently disappointed in the termination of this excursion, and the track before me was still less inviting  (Track Quotes) I did very little marketing. The key is to make your clients money. If you have a good track record, people will find you and knock on your door. Just make your clients money  (Track Quotes) The whole track of history is marked with the ruin of empires which having been founded in injustice, or perpetuated by wrong, were ultimately destroyed  (Track Quotes) Simplicity is the touchstone in finding new physical laws... If it’s elegant, then it’s a rough rule of thumb: you’re on the right track  (Track Quotes) I guess everybody saw it. It’s a deal where I’d been racing cars a long time and I knew going around the track the fender was on the tire hard  (Track Quotes) Perhaps the methods I needed to complete the proof would not be invented for a hundred years. So even if I was on the right track, I could be living in the wrong century  (Track Quotes) A sudden dart when a little over a hundred feet from the end of the track, or a little over 120 feet from the point at which it rose into the air, ended the flight  (Track Quotes) We laid the track on a smooth stretch of ground about one hundred feet north of the new building  (Track Quotes) N principle and in practice, in a right track and in a wrong one, the rarest of all human qualities is consistency  (Track Quotes) Under no circumstances will any supporter try to tell me what I should do. That is why I have the track record that I have got  (Track Quotes) You see, when a blind beetle crawls over the surface of a globe he doesn’t notice that the track he has covered is curved. I was lucky enough to have spotted it  (Track Quotes) Scepticism, like wisdom, springs out in full panoply only from the brain of a God, and it is little profit to see an idea in its growth, unless we track its seed to the power which sowed it  (Track Quotes) They could not love anymore, they thought, just drink and pour coffee and track people down in the rain. They were living frigidly, as if in a cone of frost  (Track Quotes) That talk must be very well in hand and under great headway, that an anecdote thrown in front of will not pitch off the track and wreck  (Track Quotes) Woman’s rights should come by evolution, and not by revolution. I want a little woman’s right tried first, and then, if the experience is bad, we can go back on our track; if good, forward  (Track Quotes) What precious drops are those, which silently each other’s track pursue, bright as young diamonds in their faint dew?  (Track Quotes) It is quite easy for stupid people to be happy; they believe in fables, and they trot on in a beaten track like a horse on a tramway  (Track Quotes) Many persons sigh for death when it seems far off, but the inclination vanishes when the boat upsets, or the locomotive runs off the track, or the measles set it  (Track Quotes) It’s time for us to keep better track of our livestock as they cross borders  (Track Quotes) To be successful, you can’t just run on the fast track; run on your track  (Track Quotes) I love sports. I’ve played basketball, baseball, soccer, tennis, track and field growing up  (Track Quotes) To give law enforcement the additional tools it needs to track down terror here at home  (Track Quotes) But every single damn thing matters! Only we don’t realize. We just tell ourselves that art runs on one track and life, our lives, on another, and we don’t realize that’s a lie  (Track Quotes) Sometimes I want to yell on this track; I want to yell the whole song, and I don’t think nothing’s wrong with that, but the older generation feel like you can’t  (Track Quotes) ‘Dune’ was like a giant machine, and it was hard to keep track of all the pieces, but ‘Blue Velvet’ was a very sleek, compact little experience  (Track Quotes) Unfortunately, some of our poor choices are irreversible, but many are not. Often, we can change course and get back on the right track  (Track Quotes) An overzealous parent is just one example of the kind of Problem Mom or Dad who pops up at track meets, threatening to put a damper on the day  (Track Quotes) If the program goes off track again due to recession, this should not become a pretext for the imposition of more austerity measures  (Track Quotes)
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