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It’s useful to be able to recognize whether you’re on track or not. To have that belief, but also paranoia about am I tracking against my investment thesis  (Track Quotes) One of the beauties of working in radio is the way a whole setting can be richly evoked simply by the addition to the track of a little birdsong and a church bell in the distance  (Track Quotes) I’ve sung since I talked, when I’m two, but what I sang was ballads, because it’s very hard to do a dance track with your little acoustic guitar when you’re a kid  (Track Quotes) You learn how to be a better person not just on the [race] track, but all around  (Track Quotes) I think faith is the one common denominator between everything that goes on at the race track - a faith in Christ  (Track Quotes) Sometimes, keeping track of people. It’s always a weird combination of worrying so much about the outside world, and not... you have to be more aware of the inner circle, the folks that matter  (Track Quotes) I’m not a great fan of people who suddenly manage to pull out the whole track sounding perfect from a laptop. That doesn’t feel like any kind of show to me  (Track Quotes) It’s healthy to periodically self examine your life, your goals, your relationships, and ask yourself honestly, am I happy? Am I on the right track?  (Track Quotes) I don’t have one track that I consider better than the next because all I’m trying to do is still grow as an artist  (Track Quotes) I always listen to music before I go out to bat. Any track, really, just whatever I feel like at the time  (Track Quotes) After my career is over, I want to have a dirt bike track at my house and ride  (Track Quotes) There are a lot of things my mother taught me and helped me and disciplined me and made sure I stayed on the right track. And there are a ton of things that only my father could have taught me  (Track Quotes) Mastering is your last chance to fix or address any issues that you may have before giving birth to this beautiful baby album or track  (Track Quotes) I grew up on basketball, volleyball, that sort of thing. For me, track and field was a whole ‘nother beast  (Track Quotes) I’m really just concentrating on making good music, whether it’s using a sample or doing an original track  (Track Quotes) While it’s a great indulgence, it’s also very interesting to have three bass players on the same track  (Track Quotes) It’s necessary for Israelis and Palestinians to make the compromises that are required to get the direct talks back on track  (Track Quotes) I think Pilates is great, especially when you can do it with a trainer who keeps you on track  (Track Quotes) As long as I’m around the cats in the hip hop scene, they’ll throw me a track and I’ll write a rap over it  (Track Quotes) For the first time in history we can track the evolution of a pandemic in real time. Influenza viruses are notorious for their rapid mutation and unpredictable behaviour  (Track Quotes) The neurotic keeps minute track of his enemies; it is only his friends he is careless about  (Track Quotes) I love the relays. Track is such an individual sport, so it’s fun to do something together  (Track Quotes) Hate it when I’m trying to kill a spider but then I lose track of it and I become a victim in my own home  (Track Quotes) Adani Enterprises is well on track to realize its aim of emerging as India’s largest private sector energy and logistics conglomerate  (Track Quotes) Sometimes falling flat on ur face is exactly what’s needed to help u see things from a totally different perspective, and get back on track  (Track Quotes) There’s some sorta big bar-be-que goin’ on here in turn three. There’s smoke all over the track! Some fan’s got a big one goin’ on  (Track Quotes) The same organizational principles which called us forth into self-reflection have called forth self-reflection out of the planet itself. And the problem then is for us to suspect this, act on our suspicion, and be good detectives, and track down the spirit in its lair. And this is what shamans are doing. They are hunters of spirit  (Track Quotes) When a car’s ahead of you, as long as you can see it, you get a tow, just like the draft in NASCAR. Even if it’s a long ways down the track, it punches a hole in the air that has to help. When you’re running alone, you can feel the difference, and it shows on the clock, too  (Track Quotes) New video gaming systems are coming out that track every joint of your body. It’s basically going to become a normal thing for us to allow Microsoft to put a three-dimensional camera on top of your television set looking at you, which sounds like a Big Brother scenario if ever I heard one, but, still, it’s what we’re going to allow  (Track Quotes) Growing terrorism, permissive societies, democracy collapsing through lack of law and order. If things continue on their present track, the disintegration of Western societies will occur much sooner than you think under the hammer blows of fascism and communism. Freedom is not something that does not have a breaking point, and your enemies would like you to reach that point  (Track Quotes)
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