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Tracksuit Quotes

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Put me in a vintage shop, and I am like a child with sweeties. I find it a million times easier to find a vintage dress than trawl the shops for a pair of jeans, so I am either dressed in really nice vintage, or I am in a pair of tracksuit bottoms looking like a scruffbag.  (Tracksuit Quotes) I used to live in a gap jumper, tracksuit bottoms and a fake flower in my hair. Shocking  (Tracksuit Quotes) Even now, when I go over to my mother’s house and dig out the old tracksuit tops I wore, it makes the hair stand up on the back of my neck. I like to think I am part of a special family. I am no longer connected with the club on a daily basis, but I’m delighted with every win and sad about every defeat  (Tracksuit Quotes) I’m a big fan of the Adidas three-stripe old-school zip-up tracksuit tops. I’ve got several for everyday wear, including an olive-green one, a burgundy one and a cream one with leather arms  (Tracksuit Quotes) Struggling with my finances, nudging toward 50, I sometimes daydream about being happily married to a matching frugaholic husband in a matching Christmas-red tracksuit with matching walkie-talkies as we troll Ralphs, excitedly comparing triple coupons.  (Tracksuit Quotes) I’m a lucky boy. Never wanted for anything; new tracksuit, new pair of football boots. I had a happy childhood.  (Tracksuit Quotes) I wouldn’t call it a faux pas, but I have about 12 tracksuits. I always travel in a tracksuit. I feel it makes people happy when they see me.  (Tracksuit Quotes)