Tradition, thou art for suckling children, thou art the enlivening milk for babes, but no meat for men is in thee

Tradition, thou art for suckling children, thou art the enlivening milk for babes, but no meat for men is in thee
In the quote “Tradition, thou art for suckling children, thou art the enlivening milk for babes, but no meat for men is in thee,” Stephen Crane seems to be critiquing the idea of blindly following tradition without questioning its relevance or validity. Crane was known for his realistic and often harsh portrayal of life, and this quote reflects his skepticism towards tradition as a guiding force in society.Crane suggests that tradition may be comforting and nourishing for those who are young and inexperienced, like children who rely on milk for sustenance. However, he argues that for mature and independent individuals, tradition is not enough to sustain them. It lacks substance and depth, like milk compared to meat, and cannot provide the nourishment needed for growth and development.