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Traditional Quotes

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Organisations are now confronted with two sources of change: The traditional type that is initiated and managed; and external changes over which no one has control  (Traditional Quotes) Dear reader, traditional human power structures and their reign of darkness are about to be rendered obsolete  (Traditional Quotes) The traditional disputes of philosophers are, for the most part, as unwarranted as they are unfruitful  (Traditional Quotes) I knew what was like to finally be seduced by the thing you hunted. Mine just happened to be a more traditional seduction. Okay, at least I was still among the living  (Traditional Quotes) Traditional dinosaur theory is full of short circuits. Like the antiquated wiring in an old house, the details sputter and burn out when specific parts are tested  (Traditional Quotes) Wherever any precept of traditional morality is simply challenged to produce its credentials, as though the burden of proof lay on it, we have taken the wrong position  (Traditional Quotes) Whether it’s polygamy, whether it’s adultery, whether it’s sodomy, all of those things, are antithetical to a healthy, stable, traditional family  (Traditional Quotes) Organizations are now confronted with two sources of change: the traditional type that is initiated and managed; and external changes over which no one has control  (Traditional Quotes) Traditional history appears to be the defacto recognition of every evil deed that failed to be stopped or eliminated  (Traditional Quotes) In the simplest sense, the key to the performance of any traditional commercial bank... is the profitability of the loans it makes  (Traditional Quotes) Sports broadcasting is very open now. In the beginning you did encounter more traditional attitudes and get comments. But I’m talking about 12 years ago  (Traditional Quotes) I believe in traditional marriage and I believe in the Defense of Marriage Act  (Traditional Quotes) I grew up with a heavy diet of gospel, folk, and blues because those are kind of the cornerstones of traditional American music  (Traditional Quotes) I’m not a traditional politician, and I have a sense of humor. I’ll try to soften it and become boring, maybe even very boring, but I’m not sure if I’ll be able to  (Traditional Quotes) One of the best animated films I’ve seen come out of Disney was the Tarzan movie. I wasn’t crazy about the story or the design on Tarzan’s face, but the traditional animation was spectacular  (Traditional Quotes) Out of control judicial activism threatens traditional marriage in America  (Traditional Quotes) The Berlin Wall wasn’t the only barrier to fall after the collapse of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War. Traditional barriers to the flow of money, trade, people and ideas also fell  (Traditional Quotes) The difference between the more traditional sports clubs and Congress is that Congress doesn’t really compete against another team  (Traditional Quotes) The traditional Christian attitude toward human personality was that human nature was essentially good and that it was formed and modified by social pressures and training  (Traditional Quotes) What they fear, I think rightly, is that traditional Vietnamese society cannot survive the American economic and cultural impact  (Traditional Quotes) Traditional songwriting, to us, is where the experimental nature comes in. We’re all involved with so much outside activity with really hardcore, experimental music - making  (Traditional Quotes) Black Books adheres to a more old fashioned, traditional sitcom format, which I think works, because in its own way, it’s quite theatrical  (Traditional Quotes) I do have a small collection of traditional SF ideas which I’ve never been able to sell. I’m known as a fantasy writer and neither my agent nor my editors want to risk my brand by jumping genre  (Traditional Quotes) We must resist the temptation of once again turning America into the traditional bogeyman of the left  (Traditional Quotes) Martin guitars have now brought out, you know, on a more traditional level, the Stephen Stills’ model of Martin guitars. It’s beautiful. I just went inside. I bought one immediately  (Traditional Quotes) To be a winner of that, and to fall in the long line of traditional great backs at USC, to have your name in perpetuity, the fact that your parents are like icons... that’s the greatest thing  (Traditional Quotes) Perhaps as good a classification as any of the main types is that of the three lusts distinguished by traditional Christianity - the lust of knowledge, the lust of sensation, and the lust of power  (Traditional Quotes) The papacy again, representing the traditional unity of European civilization, has also shown itself unable to limit effectively the push of nationalism  (Traditional Quotes) It also called upon traditional people in the Four Directions to strengthen the healing ceremonies and asked people to heed the warnings of Mother Earth  (Traditional Quotes) Traditional investment vehicles such as IRAs, CDs, stocks and bonds do have their place, but for the rich, they are used more as temporary storage facilities rather than life-long homes  (Traditional Quotes)
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