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Tragic Quotes

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In all its beautiful, tragic fragility, there was still life  (Tragic Quotes) Life is tragic comedy, in a way. There is humor.  (Tragic Quotes) It was a tragic end to a heroic life  (Tragic Quotes) I don’t need drugs. Life is already tragic enough....  (Tragic Quotes) It’s tragic from how far we’ve come from ‘Hope and Change’  (Tragic Quotes) When something is tragic you never really forget it  (Tragic Quotes) It seemed romantic but also tragic - people would be winning but then lose it all, or crash but fight on, break bones but get back on their bikes and try to finish. Just getting to the end was seen as an achievement in itself  (Tragic Quotes) If we were to understand how important it is to say something and say it well, maybe we wouldn't write a single word, but that would be tragic  (Tragic Quotes) Life can be wildly tragic at times, and I've had my share. But whatever happens to you, you have to keep a slightly comic attitude. In the final analysis, you have got not to forget to laugh  (Tragic Quotes) The State became the master. The national element moved from the realm of form to the realm of content; it became what was most central and essential, turning the socialist element into a mere wrapping, a verbal husk, an empty shell. Thus was made manifest, with tragic clarity, a sacred law of life: Human freedom stands above everything. There is no end in the world for the sake of which it is permissible to sacrifice human freedom  (Tragic Quotes) Crowded classrooms and half-day sessions are a tragic waste of our greatest national resource - the minds of our children  (Tragic Quotes) How tragic that we in this dark day have had our seeking done for us by our teachers. Everything is made to center upon the initial act of "accepting" Christ (a term, incidentally, which is not found in the Bible) and we are not expected thereafter to crave any further revelation of God to our souls  (Tragic Quotes) The unpreparedness of the educated classes, the lack of practical links between them and the mass of the people, their laziness, and, let it be said, their cowardice at the decisive moment of the struggle will give rise to tragic mishaps  (Tragic Quotes) The Church has surrendered her once lofty concept of God and has substituted for it one so low, so ignoble, as to be utterly unworthy of thinking, worshiping men. This she has not done deliberately, but little by little and without her knowledge; and her very unawareness only makes her situation all the more tragic  (Tragic Quotes) You know Americans are obsessed with life and death and rebirth, that's the American Cycle. You know, awakening, tragic, horrible death and then Phoenix rising from the ashes. That's the American story, again and again  (Tragic Quotes) I believe that all the survivors are mad. One time or another their madness will explode. You cannot absorb that much madness and not be influenced by it. That is why the children of survivors are so tragic. I see them in school. They don't know how to handle their parents. They see that their parents are traumatized: they scream and don't react normally  (Tragic Quotes) The ideal may seem remote of execution, but the democratic ideal of education is a farcical yet tragic delusion except as the ideal more and more dominates our public system of education  (Tragic Quotes) I feel about photoshop the way some people feel about abortion. It is appalling and a tragic reflection on the moral decay of our society…unless I need it, in which case, everybody be cool  (Tragic Quotes) So you see, when war comes to one's village, one's doorstep, it isn't tragic and impersonal any longer. It is just an excuse to vomit private hatred. That is why I am not a great patriot  (Tragic Quotes) Questions are not scary. What is scary is when people don't have any. What is tragic is faith that has no room for them  (Tragic Quotes) There is nothing more tragic than to find an individual bogged down in the length of life, devoid of breadth  (Tragic Quotes) One of the most tragic things I know about human nature is that all of us tend to put off living  (Tragic Quotes) He didn't dislike New York with the simple diffidence of a small town kid or the tragic ignorance of a yokel - he hated it with what he hoped was his soul  (Tragic Quotes) It is tragic that people who are incarcerated are unable to vote. They are probably the most important voices to listen to because they can tell us what we need to change  (Tragic Quotes) What may seem depressing or even tragic to one person may seem like an absolute scream to another person, especially if he has had between four and seven beers  (Tragic Quotes) Jessica felt like a heroine in a tragic, dramatic love story. She lifted her chin and turned away. It was all over  (Tragic Quotes) Yeah, I had all kinds of tragic reasons for feeling sorry for myself. Being fifteen didn't help. Sometimes I thought that being fifteen was the worst tragedy of all  (Tragic Quotes) Everything in nature is lyrical in its ideal essence, tragic in its fate, and comic in its existence  (Tragic Quotes) Do you see that kitten chasing so prettily her own tail? If you could look with her eyes, you might see her surrounded with hundreds of figures performing complex dramas, with tragic and comic issues, long conversations, many characters, many ups and downs of fate  (Tragic Quotes) She wasn't a tragic widow, after all, just another woman betrayed by a selfish man. It was a smaller, more familiar role, and a lot easier to play  (Tragic Quotes)
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