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Traitorous Quotes

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A filial son to his father can be a traitorous subject to his ruler  (Traitorous Quotes) Unfortunately, after Sept. 11, there was an outburst in America of intense suffering and patriotism, and the Bush administration was very shrewd and effective in painting anyone who disagreed with the policies as unpatriotic or even traitorous  (Traitorous Quotes) The curse of mortality. You spend the first portion of your life learning, growing stronger, more capable. And then, through no fault of your own, your body begins to fail. You regress. Strong limbs become feeble, keen senses grow dull, hardy constitutions deteriorate. Beauty withers. Organs quit. You remember yourself in your prime, and wonder where that person went. As your wisdom and experience are peaking, your traitorous body becomes a prison  (Traitorous Quotes) Just because I’m a murdering, thieving, cowardly, traitorous sort doesn’t mean I can’t do my job properly  (Traitorous Quotes) His mind was logical, but his traitorous heart stuttered from beat to beat  (Traitorous Quotes)