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Transcended Quotes

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A wrong that cannot be repaired must be transcended  (Transcended Quotes) Great dreams of great dreamers are always transcended  (Transcended Quotes) History within itself cannot be transcended... In history itself there are only relative victories  (Transcended Quotes) Mexico has lost an icon whose work has transcended generations and borders  (Transcended Quotes) You learn the stuff of your life (sports, movies, traveling) ... that’s not the essence of your existence, my relationships were always good. Now they have transcended (rise beyond).  (Transcended Quotes) Being is transcended by a concern for being. Our perplexity will not be solved by relating human existence to a timeless, subpersonal abstraction which we call essence. We can do justice to human being only by relating it to the transcendent care for being  (Transcended Quotes) We see, at least with intellect, that beyond both true and false is truth; that there is beauty beyond our present views on the beautiful and ugly; that pleasure-pain can now alike be transcended, and that some day we shall truly see that ‘form is emptiness and the very emptiness is form’.  (Transcended Quotes) It’s an honor to have been part of something so core to so many lives. The show has evolved beyond it’s original intent and form and has transcended... Itself!  (Transcended Quotes) Only those people are really sane who have transcended the mind, who have gone beyond it into silence where no thoughts, no desires, no emotions, nothing exists. Only in that peace is your real health  (Transcended Quotes) I understand now that boundaries between noise and sound are conventions. All boundaries are conventions, waiting to be transcended. One may transcend any convention if only one can first conceive of doing so  (Transcended Quotes) His vices were the vices of his time and culture, but his virtues transcended the milieu of his life  (Transcended Quotes) While companies were getting comfy cozy with the idea of being on social media platforms, social media transcended those platforms, and few businesses have followed  (Transcended Quotes) The fear and anxiety of baring my soul is transcended by the thrill and honor and wonderfulness of being able to touch and affect so many people... having people look into my mind, my imagination... into my heart and soul  (Transcended Quotes) At some point you have to believe that the inadequacies of the words you use will be transcended by the faith with which you use them. You have to believe that poetry has some reach into reality itself, or you have to go silent  (Transcended Quotes) Peace of the sort that brings wholeness, harmony, and health to our lives only happens when chaos, confusion, and conflict are included and transcended  (Transcended Quotes) To be worth making at all a journey has to be made in the mind as much as in the world of objects and dimensions. What value can there be in seeing or experiencing anything for the first time unless it comes as a revelation? And for that to happen, some previously held thought or belief must be confounded, or enhanced, or even transcended. What difference can it make otherwise to see a redwood tree, a tiger, or a humming bird?  (Transcended Quotes) In the history of the human race, those periods which later appeared as great have been the periods when the men and the women belonging to them had transcended the differences that divided them and had recognized in their membership in the human race a common bond  (Transcended Quotes) Over my lifetime, the car had actually transcended the fact that it is a car. It has become a venue  (Transcended Quotes) I lost track of time when I was in the studio painting. I will get lost in the canvas. It was a real release for me. It was almost as if I transcended time and moved into another dimension  (Transcended Quotes)