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Transit Quotes

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We are talking about creating a legal framework to regulate the production, transit and consumption of drugs  (Transit Quotes) I got a tattoo saying, ‘Freedom From Fear’ because of ‘Black Water Transit  (Transit Quotes) Winter is not an end. It is in transit. It is headed to bankruptcy. The sheriff will sell its stock for what he can get and an ice man will be the only bidder at the sale  (Transit Quotes) You cannot separate the buildings out from the infrastructure of cites and the mobility of transit  (Transit Quotes) A fly cannot go in unless it stops somewhere; therefore weapons, fuel, food, money will not go to Afghanistan unless the neighbors of Afghanistan are working, are cooperating, either being themselves the origin or the transit  (Transit Quotes) Only he who can view his own past as an abortion sprung from compulsion and need can use it to full advantage in the present. For what one has lived is at best comparable to a beautiful statue which has had all its limbs knocked off in transit, and now yields nothing but the precious block out of which the image of one’s future must be hewn  (Transit Quotes) It is safest to take the unpopular side in the first instance. Transit from the unpopular is easy... But from the popular to the unpopular is so steep and rugged that it is impossible to maintain it  (Transit Quotes) Our congressional district is the fastest growing in the state. Nowhere is there a greater need for new and improved roads and transit systems that will spare us the hours we spend each day in traffic  (Transit Quotes) The loneliness is when you pick up and move, even if you are not originally from that place, and you have some memories that you want to embrace. Having a life in transit, I feel like you are always looking out the back window  (Transit Quotes)
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