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You never know what events are going to transpire to get you home  (Transpire Quotes) Whatever God requires is right, no matter what it is, although we may not see the reason there of until all of the events transpire  (Transpire Quotes) If friendship is to transpire between two people, it is important that both be in a state of availability. I have often been in the company of those who complain that they have no friends. Inevitably, I have observed that this condition was due to their own lack of availability; they were too encumbered to be able to welcome another. Such unavailability may be exterior in nature; that is, people may lack the time or the emotional energy necessary for friendship  (Transpire Quotes) We are not apt to think of the importance of events as they transpire with us, but we feel the importance of them afterwards  (Transpire Quotes) Most of all, I believe God has chosen to bless this series. In doing so, he’s giving the country and maybe the world, one last, big wake-up call before the events transpire  (Transpire Quotes)